1. There is no doubt that we can get some. I'm not sure about the ticket situation though.
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  2. Sitting in the lower bowl you can not see what is open like you can 1 and 2 level's above it. You also cannot see the number of suites that had the lights off as in no one was in it. The empty seats were there, those numbers were sales, not attendance. There were FAR more fans when LSU & A&M played because they wanted to see the game, not payoff their credit card bill.;) If there were many SRO I did not see them either, I was in that place for the first game ever, and the SRO ticket holders prevented people in their seats nearby from even getting to the bathroom, I have seen NOTHING close at either LSU game.

  3. Wisconsin thought the same thing about TCU going to the rose Bowl, their seats were sold in less than 24 hours. TCU also sold out their allotment to this game quite easily and quickly, the $250.00 tickets were gone by the time they got to number 145 in the Frog Club.

    I'm really not sure when the "rip off" effect will end, I thought the tic price for Oregon would come down, it did not, and like I have said earlier, I could not believe the number of primo seats that went unfilled because people were trying to make a killing.

  4. They have to try, but as kickoff draws near the possibility of eating those tickets looms large and the price they will "settle" for comes way down. Happens at every event. I got 2 for 1 at the CWS this year 30 min before the first pitch. Just have to know how to run game bro, everyone has a bullshit route.
  5. I guess you never tried to get in a World Series or Super Bowl played in Dallas...............I don't care how good your "run game" was. Then again, at the point I am at in life I can afford the tickets.;)

  6. I know what you are saying, however money is still money at the end of the day. You can hold on to a $100 ticket and try to sell it for $500 or $1000 as long as you want. Once the game starts you won't get that and sooner or latter $100 for a $100 ticket becomes real attractive. Wait a few minutes and $50 for a $100 ticket looks like Kate Upton. Hold it too long and you are left with Phyllis Diller. And I don't care if you are trying to get into the Super Bowl, The Olympics, The Eagles what the phuck ever. No one wants to go wit Phyllis Diller, well, except Red.
  7. Do you think LSU has more fans at this game than TCU?
  8. LSU has a larger student, alumni, and general fan base than TCU. The DFW is not a college sports metroplex and they don't have alot of support outside those associated with the school. There are probablly as many LSU fans as there are TCU fans in this metroplex alone. I think there will be a fan advantage towards LSU.
  9. right. 5600 tickets on sale at Stub hub alone. There will be seats available at kickoff. Looks to be a ton of tickets on the TCU side for sale. They bought their allotment and are selling them off, having their tickets paid for by the LSU fans.
  10. I wanted 3 tickets for the Oregon game, as my older daughter would've not forgiven me for not taking her. I was willing to pay up to $200 a ticket--but I couldn't find one in advance that was even close to that. By the time the game rolled around, I was in the process of throwing a game-watching party at my house, instead, so I wasn't going to go out to Arlington for a chance at getting in.

    For the LSU/Arkansas game that year, which was #1 vs. #3, I bought 3 tickets from LSU at 8 a.m. the morning of the game for $50 apiece. Where were the seats? Six rows behind the LSU bench on the 50 yard line--BEST SEATS EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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