1. And Red continues with the "unfair" crap.

    Do you think it's fair you pay X and another person pays Y? I don't.
  2. A child can understand it.
  3. Apparently you can't understand the simple principle that everybody pays A DIFFERENT amount. Which is a load of crap. You can make the percentages the same all day long but that doesn't mean chit.
  4. Tax Hikes on the Rich Won't Work | FreedomWorks

    I don't confuse them. Rich individuals got rich due to succesful business or they inherited the spoils of a succesful business.

    Fine. You think it's unfair, I don't. If I pay $20,000 and some rich guy pays $500,000, I'm OK with that. I'm not going to research their percentage just because I can't stand that they make a lot of money and I don't. You're like a nosy old biddy in that regard.

    Raising chickens and selling the eggs doesn't count.
  5. I'm not sure I agree with you here. I have no problem with a progressive system as long as it is marginal.

    And are you in support of everyone paying a flat amount of taxes. Like say 1,000 for every man woman and child? Cause that is just dumb.
    1 person likes this.
  6. I defer the question to Chuck Rangel... oh wait..
  7. I don't. But I have problems when people says it's unfair this and unfair that for a certain group and not another.

    I do however have a problem with the income tax as a whole.

    I also have a problem with people paying and some people not paying.

    Also how much is a lot of money is totally subjective. I pay a lot but it's peanuts to someone paying 10x more. And why do people pay more, oh b/c they have more. That's a terrible argument.
  8. So has the trickle down method, and these millionaire's don't seem to mind being taxed more, in fact, they are for it..

    Millionaires to Obama: Tax us - Yahoo! News
  9. By your logic, it's unfair that I have to pay 25% when someone earning $10,000 a year has to pay nothing.
  10. nobody is stopping those guys from donating to the federal reserve.

    if those morons were smart and cared about our nation, they would invest that money in something rather than having it taxed. that would actually create jobs.

    also, and this is the real interesting point of the thread:

    class conflict is basically the only political strategy of the left has ever had, it they still play it so well and with such great effect that even red falls for it. amazing.