Sweet Home Scheduling

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by TigerTap, May 23, 2013.

  1. TUSKtimes

    TUSKtimes Riding the Wave

    Stevie stopped being relevant on the national and southeastern stage sometime after he packed his bags for Washington DC.
  2. TUSKtimes

    TUSKtimes Riding the Wave

    No wonder you guys don't want to play Florida anymore. And coach Saban's 4 crystals laugh at Stevie's antics.
  3. TUSKtimes

    TUSKtimes Riding the Wave

    Yours or Stevies? Yours is about next year and how you are going to get the Bama express slowed down. Stevie, It's about football legacy and he ain't getting any younger.
  4. TerryP

    TerryP Founding Member

    Here's a few thoughts for you to chew on.

    Mike DuBose has a winning record against Steve Spurrier. I guess we'll say DuBose is a better coach than Spurrier as well, eh?

    In characterizing Spurrier's success at Florida you've chosen to say "he kicked both LSU & Bama's ass in the West badly." I've not bothered to look at his record against LSU or how "badly" an "ass" was kicked. I do know that in 1991 Florida beat Bama 35-0. In 1999 Bama beat Florida 34-7. Both games were instances where both teams were defeated soundly. Overall, in the series, the average score has been a point differential of less than five points.

    Damn strong points? Like this one?

    “Our commissioner seems to think if Alabama-Tennessee is not a conference game, no one will want to watch it,” Spurrier said. “I told him, you think no one wants to watch South Carolina play Clemson? We’ve got North Carolina in the first game of the season; a border rival, our stadium will be full. You think no one will want to watch that?

    “If the commissioner doesn’t think that’s a big game, he should come watch it. So there you go, Nick can have his nine (conference) games. I’m all for it.”

    More people watched the Spongebob Squarepants movie last year when it was broadcast the same night as UofSC vs Clemson.

    Want to go a little deeper in to this statement? This is with South Carolina ranked 12th, Clemson ranked 11th. And more TV households are tuned to a cartoon than this "big game" Spurrier talks about?

    He says his stadium will be full. What's that saying exactly? Because stadium is full it translates to a "big game?" South Carolina packed their stadium week in and week out when they didn't win a game all season.

    Here's some irony. All this talk about Bama vs UT being a game no one cares about and it's the #1 rated show in ESPN the Saturday night it was broadcast. It carried 4.223 million homes.

    Spongebob? 3.2 million.
    UofSC vs Clemson? 3.1 million.

    No TT, he's not making a "damn strong point." He's running his mouth, again.

    Watch and see. You'll find the UofSC vs North Carolina to be viewed by fewer households that Thursday night than the Ole Miss vs Vandy game. Part of that has to do with the kick time: 6PM EST vs 8PM EST.

    ESPN, a corporation known to capitalize on its broadcast, has chosen to broadcast Vandy vs Ole Miss over this "big game" of South Carolina's? In prime time, no less?


    Changing tunes a bit here...here's a great example of lazy journalism.

    Notice this paragraph from Matt Hayes:

    As wild as Spurrier's idea sounds, there is precedent. California played Colorado as a non-conference game in 2011 -- the first year CU entered the Pac12. The teams had a previously scheduled series when CU was part of the Big 12, and kept the game as a non-con game.

    There's precedent found in the SEC. There's precedent found with Bama vs UT when the SEC only required six games and Bama played UT in addition to their SEC schedule. It certainly would have made Hayes point more salient.
  5. LaSalleAve

    LaSalleAve when in doubt, mumble

    I think it says alot about Spurrier and how he has pretty much changed his offense from throw it all over the field to a balanced almost run heavy offense, with teams whose backbone has been their defense. Maybe Lattimore forces you to run the ball more but all the same what he has been able to do at USCe is amazing. But you also have to take into consideration the SEC east hasn't been the powerhouse it used to be.
  6. TerryP

    TerryP Founding Member

    It says a hell of a lot about his coaching talent!

    If you recall, when he took over the job at UofSC his offense was called the "Cock and Fire." He wasn't able to duplicate the success he had at Florida with that type of offense.

    Lattimore was the first back he had in 'Cola he could "ride" that way. And in the end he still couldn't handle all those carries.

    It's going to be interesting watching what he does this season. I don't see Mike Davis being able to carry the ball as many times as Lattimore. But now he's seen Conner Shaw have some success and his back-up is a pretty good QB in his own right.
  7. TUSKtimes

    TUSKtimes Riding the Wave

    1999, Mike Dubose beat Spurrier twice. Yep, SECCG, 34-7.
  8. LaSalleAve

    LaSalleAve when in doubt, mumble

    Man as much as I would love to blast on Saban for his egomaniacal ways, and how much of a fucking prick he is and how I would love to see him slip on a banana peel and break a butt cheek, you can't deny the dude is a great coach. Sure he has had some incredible luck, and been embarrassed, and exposed at times if you know how to play him, he isn't a fraud. And that pains me to say, but 3 titles in 4 years and 1 with LSU isn't fraudulent either. The key to beating Saban is keeping him on his toes, executing out of your comfort zone because you can be damned sure his game plan defensively is to take away your bread and butter. Once he's on his toes and having to adjust he is as vulnerable as any coach in America and you can start to get yardage with your bread and butter at that point.

    Regardless, even though I say LSU made Saban and not the other way around, he is still the best coach (from a football standpoint) in college football.
    VampMuse and luvdimtigers like this.
  9. TerryP

    TerryP Founding Member

    Since your first question has been answered I'm hopeful you'll agree 2-1 is a winning record.

    Spurrier has a 7-4 record against Bama. Hardly "owns" and certainly hasn't "kicked Bama's ass badly" as you asserted earlier.

    I wonder if it's feasible for you to maintain one subject at a time. No, I'm not talking about the subject of Alabama or Saban. I'm talking about individual points you bring up, then when disputed you divert the conversation into another diatribe.

    I'll give you this. I've learned something—in fact two things.

    I've learned you have a very unhealthy obsession with Alabama and Saban. As evidenced by threads started on the first page here, you think about these two subjects as much as you do LSU.

    I've also learned I have the ability to sympathize with irrational obsession. I pray I never have the ability to empathize.
  10. LaSalleAve

    LaSalleAve when in doubt, mumble

    No I remember them, quite well in fact. Spurrier doesn't have 4 national titles either.

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