1. All you nay-sayers will eat your words, I promise you this!!!
    Since the hurricane, I have been living in Northern Virginia (Va. Tech, UVA, and Maryland country) where the local college football fans are very knowledgable. They see Russel as a talented YOUNG quarterback who will be making noise the second half of the season and next year.
    Side note: They see LSU as a powerhouse, who has not lived up to expectations as of yet; but they generally feel it's only a matter of time
  2. It's funny you bring up the perspective of people outside the region.

    Some of the biggest fans I know are from Penn State, and to this day, they're VERY skeptical about the team, but consider LSU among the elite teams in the nation. Funny how some distance changes perceptions, no?:thumb:

    A mutual friend is a Pitt alum though, and we all easily agree that his school is horrid.:hihi:
  3. One thing I am enjoying, is f*cking with all the VT fans here (at work) in D.C. D.C. is to VT as Dallas is to LSU
  4. Oh.. so we know nothing about football in the south? All people up there see is the sportscenter highlights... they probably think that Aaron Brooks is a swell qb as well...
  5. Anyone who doesn't think Russell is a good QB does not have a clue about football.

    And the last time I checked, Virginia and Maryland is in the south...
  6. How many sophmore quarterbacks in LSU history have done as well as Jamarcus. I think your motivation is misplaced
  7. What is your motivation to let the world know your disdain for him? Play, intellect, height, weight, shoe size, race....Please enlighten us?
  8. He doesn't necessarily want to let you know of his disdain for JR. He is taking offense at you saying we "southern football fans" are "unintelligent" in general.

    Please learn to read posts before firing off.

    However, I can let you know of my opinion of JR.

    He locks on to primary receivers. He throws balls inaccurately...above and behind his receivers frequently. He holds the ball too long.

    Past that, I'm fine with him. Despite all of those criticisms, he is still #2 in the SEC in passing efficiency and #1 in completion percentage. I base that high percentage on the number of quick passes and screens that we run though.
  9. First of all, I never said anything about southern football fans not being intelligent. What I said was I spoke with knowledgable northern Virginia college football fans. Never did I once mention the intellect of southerners. Seems like you should read before you respond. By the way, I grew up in Terrebone parish, it doesn't get much more southern than that!!!
    Are you a LSU DEEK (fraternity)?
    To respond to your critique: He may do all the things you just stated, but you can't deny that has all the tools to be an amazing quarterback. Let's remember, he is young and has done very well comparative to other young quarterbacks in LSU history.
  10. Where in the world did he say that??

    Believe it or not, but football is the biggest, most popular sport in the country. That actually includes areas other than the South. And believe it or not, quite a few of these fans (esp. in the Big 10) prefer football the same way many Southerners do...rushing and defense.