1. Not to go into a long diatribe about this, but when your university's football coach's salary is 150 times greater than your university's average teacher's salary, one wonders how long it will be before college football becomes a professional league absent of any connection with the university, save its name. Or has this already happened?
  2. Don't believe what you are saying will happen. NCAA has requirements of student athletes number of scholly's etc.
    Bottom line is how much money does the teacher bring into the University and the area and how much money does a winning and respectable football program bring in.

    36*91000=3.276 MILLION plus on Saturday's when a home game is on. This just starts the money flow.
  3. Heck, that's been the case forever probably. Even when guys like the Bear were making $150,000 per year they were still making much more than the teachers at their school. It's just that the numbers are mindboggling now. And the collge game would never be the same without the school allegiences, so it will never change IMO.