1. I stand by my statement. Lotta talk from some guys that ain't posted squat. Meanwhile I got about 60 fillets just fried I'm chewin on right now.
  2. I hope you don't equate posting to outdoor success. There are plenty of reasons to keep catches on the down low, for the most part, believe me. Cides, you think Kevin Van Dam takes time to show and/or tell people about his catches? I doubt he even gives a dam and probably would rather people not know so he could fish in peace.

    All-around, not many out there can keep up with you though. You're definitely a master on the species of game available in your neck of the woods. I'd love to pick up Bengal in Baton Rouge on the way to go meet you for a morning squirrel hunt and an evening flounder gig one day.

    If you ever want to catch some catfish on the Atchafalaya or Mississippi River, I can make it happen.
  3. Dang gettin all serious. Thought was just messin around sorry to hurt your feelings ha.
    LSUTiga likes this.
  4. Nah, when you told me you pick up more snapping turtles on the road than I catch trappping my ass off, I knew you were in a different league above me.
  5. A truck driver buddy told me about those road snappers. They are about the same thing as lot lizards.
  6. Speaking of that man there was good one prob about 75lbs in the road a few mornings ago on a damn 4 lane. I pulled over to get it and some jackass swerved over to hit it. Busted it wide open. I mean I was gonna kill it too but damn I was gonna eat the thing not just bust it open. Looked it over but it was way to busted
  7. You're still the goat slayer homie. Nobody can take that from you.
    LSUTiga likes this.
  8. 75 lbs? Dam. That should do some damage. At the least a front end alignment.
  9. This jval guy is quite a class act. I've never been able to get good reactions from him when I try to bust his balls. I pretty much knew what he was going to say and the tone he would use.
  10. I doubt it looked like your typical spoiled little prick driving daddy's big jacked up diesel. Went out of his way to hit it. It was a big fine turtle biggest I'd seen in a while.