Some Fun Numbers

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by youcandoit1687, Jan 9, 2007.

  1. youcandoit1687

    youcandoit1687 Founding Member

    Well, I have too much time on my hands so i came up with these little numbers:

    82=The total offensive yardage of tOSU=total number of points by SEC in BCS...who says the SEC doesnt have offense, that pretty clearly shows our defenses are very solid, atleast at the top.

    "our" defenses also made fools of Heisman #1 and Heisman #3, both having their worst and i think second worst performances in their careers, respectively.

    TOP last night was 40-20 AND florida had more turnovers

    any other impressive numbers?
  2. PhilosophyAskew

    PhilosophyAskew Founding Member

    UF 41
    OSU 14
  3. LSUTyga73

    LSUTyga73 Football Connoisseur

    How bout Troy Smith, heisman winner, having 6 total yards in that game plus 2 turnovers? i think that qualifies
  4. TexasTigers

    TexasTigers Are You With Me ?

    I like
    LSU 41
    ND 14
    Thats a fun one to...
  5. youcandoit1687

    youcandoit1687 Founding Member

    i still like 40-3. 81-17 is pretty good to silence the les critics. anybody got anything creative?
  6. Sourdoughman

    Sourdoughman TigerFan of LSU and the Tigerman

    How about TOSU is 0-8 vs SEC in bowl games.

    Notre Lame is 0-9 in their last 9 bowl games and lost 2 of those to you know

    Sorry, had to post it again!
  7. islstl

    islstl Playoff committee is a group of great football men Staff Member

    I also love the record setting 0 for 9 by Notre Dame in bowl games. And I also love the average margin of victory by their opponents approaching infinity.

    Numbers are most fun.
  8. islstl

    islstl Playoff committee is a group of great football men Staff Member

    Here is another number:

    4 - the average ranking of the past 2 LSU teams under the Les Miles regime.
  9. StaceyO

    StaceyO Football Turns Me On

    13--the number of times LSU has been to the Sugar Bowl (the most of appearances by any team).

    3 out of 6--the number of Sugar Bowl victories by LSU in the past six years.

    6-3--the SEC's record for the bowl season.

    2 out of 4 of the past national champions come from the SEC.
  10. khounba

    khounba Founding Member

    1 - The number of western division opponents CLM has lost to in his first two years. (Auburn) He has swept every other series.

    4 - The margin of victory of that game. 4 points away from perfection in the west.

    8 (9) - Won 8 games at home this year. 9 if you count the Sugar Bowl.

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