1. You have a funny definition of solvency. The federal government for the first time this year, and for the foreseeable future, had to fund the shortfall of the program. The federal government is solvent, social security is not.

  2. And I might add by their own admission (SSA). Thing is a disaster yet try to fix it and the libs start scaring the hell out of old people telling them the big bad man is coming to take their check every month when nothing could be farther from the truth.
  3. Geez, this is more complicated than taxes.
  4. But it is. Social Security is neither broken nor bankrupt. And it is not nearly as fragile as Medicare and Medicaid— entitlement programs with far more serious budget problems. This year the SS income began to exceed the outflow, but the SS still has a huge trust fund.

    In fact, without any changes, Social Security will be fully funded through 2037, and the trust fund holds a $2.5 trillion surplus, funded by Treasury bonds, which are backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. government and are widely considered to be the safest investment around.
  5. Whatever dude. Heritage Foundation which is a conservative think tank has been trying to privatize social security since the 90's. Lets see, 90's, this is 2011, years means year(s) plural, so, yeah, years. Conservatives are mostly Republicans are they not???

    and as far as the last part. I'm not a public figure. I'm a partisan hack, remember. And if that means that I am anti-republican, I will wear that badge loudly and proudly.
  6. you really shouldnt use the term "crosshairs" becuause someone might "target" the SS offices and shoot up the place because of your irresponsibility.
    1 person likes this.
  7. Why am I not comforted by that?

  8. You don't know what you are.
  9. Social Security is a "safety" net that I do not want nor need. I would rather opt out of the program and not pay that 6.2% tax and just never recieve the payments from the government when I get to retirement age.

    I also make just a little over a dollar above minimum wage and my yearly raise is really small, but I make good financial decisions and I always have opportunities for overtime. So whether or not I will be successful in life is simply based on the amount of effort that I put into it. This would be a lot easier to accomplish if I didn't have that social security leach attached to my paycheck.

    And if I did somehow fail, then I have family who would help me out and probably charities as well. I will never rely or count on social security to take care of me when I retire. The actions and decisions I make now will determine my retirement success, and I plan on being successful even with that stupid leach sucking on my paycheck.
  10. if we didnt have social security and we had never heard of it, and it were proposed now, i think red would opposed to it because it is massive and he would consider it extreme. and he would be right. but now it is normal and we dont really consider how nuts it is. thats the hazard of not being guided by principle and instead just being "moderate"