Plus, as I already posted, the paper here doesn't mention Smoke in the article about the search for a new coach. Do ya think that maybe Smoke really isn't interested in going anywhere else? (Sarcasm, in case any one missed it.)
How did I misrepresent what the article said?? In the second sentence of the first paragraph, I said that all of the parties denied the "rumor", and the title of the thread ends with "?'s". I just wanted to inform all of the LSU fans outside of New Orleans about the article in the Times-Picayune. I admit that I've never been one of Smoke's biggest fans, but that's only because I want what's best for LSU. Unfortunately, I don't think that this coaching staff is cutting it. As pointed out by various other posters, not just me, the team shows no emotion, the players don't practice basic baseball fundamentals on the field, and precious time is wasted recruiting talent that never plays at The Box. Now, is Smoke soley responsible for this? Maybe not, but the blame has to fall somewhere. If Smoke stays without a major overhaul of the coaching staff, not just the resignation of a third base coach, I don't see any improvement over this year's team, and LSU fans will have to continue to be satisfied stictly with appearances in the regionals.
Why am I kidding? Don't let your unparalleled hatred for UL-L cloud your mind. Robichaux inherited a program plagued by scandal and was on probation and in 4 years at the helm, took them to the CWS, 2 Super Regionals, and a couple of NCAA Regional apperances. No, they're not consistantly a regional participant (after all, you think that every school outside of a major conference is crap), but more often than not, at least since Robichaux took over, they have been. Get fat against MTSU and NMS? Earth to Saban fan--UL-L still plays Tulane, Houston, Witchita St., etc. and had it not been for an ugly altercation between us and them, they would be playing us annually as well. This "Robichaux for coach" is all moot anyway, because I don't think Smoke is going anywhere, but I find it funny that you continue to downplay any player or coach from any other program in the state not named LSU... :dis: You can be a diehard and the proudest LSU supporter and still give kudos to someone else in LA without having to feel like you just kissed your cousin.
They also got beat by Tulane, Houston, Wichita State, etc. Sorry Boston, but ULL is Bush League, 2nd fiddle, sucking hind teat, etc. If you think Robicheaux would be an upgrade, then you just aren't paying attention.
I'm glad you mentioned this. Yes, I have. And he sounds exactly like the 'Superfans' from SNL. I just keep waiting for him to go 'Da Bearsss'. :hihi:
Don't have to appologize to me--I could care less who, or what you think is "2nd fiddle, sucking hind teat"... Your ignorance and failure to even remotely give props to anyone other than yourself makes it fairly easy for me to not get all caught up in taking anything you say offensive. But considering the "lose" to those teams you mentioned, I guess you already knew that this season they beat Witchita State by a score of 19-3 mind you. And vs this year's regional participants: W vs Witchita St 19-3 W vs Harvard 14-2 W vs USA 22-4 W vs USA 6-5 L vs USA 2-6 W vs Southern 11-7 W vs NWST W vs NWST W vs Marist 10-1 *they didn't play Tulame this season But I they're 2nd rate in your eyes. Guess you also missed the memo on Robichaux: Yeah....You're right Sabanfan....this guy stinks...
I agree 100% Boston... If our coach moves on, I like the ULL guy a lot... I think he brings a lot of passion for his job, which I like.
he really is a great baseball coach and i've known and played for him over the years and he really gets the most from his players. I never once saw him cross the line with players where they acted like the USL guys. i think its the penis envy in a pressure situation that brought it out of those kids yet he has to be held responsible. either way it was deplorable and unacceptable.