1. balance, not small ball is the answer as i told ya. always will be.
  2. AMEN...Thank you. I'd love to see how many kids LSU has signed since Turtle has been here that actually made it on to campus and were productive. Anyone can recruit the top players around, but if they never sniff Alex Box Stadium than what benefit is that to the program - NONE! Also, how many pitchers over the last four or five years have developed arm troubles or came to LSU with arm problems...tooo many. I said this before, Smoke is a good coach but I really believe he must re-evaluate his assistants and the way the program recruits. Carl Dubois wrote an article a while back that I referred to about some of the things Smoke needs to take a good, hard look at.
  3. Please tell me that no one thinks that Curley Hallman was a good speaker. His Golden Flake commercials, for example, were absolutely painful!
  4. Don't want him to go, but like the others said, if he doesn't want to be here, then goodbye!
  5. http://www.nola.com/lsu/t-p/baseball/index.ssf?/base/sports-0/1119527797204660.xml#continue

    this the article you're talking about? cause it says here he doesnt know anything about it?
  6. Hudson was magic at alumni events. Tv commericals, his was minor league. No one, NO ONE could top Cholly Mac's Burger King "He ate the ball" ads.
  7. Exactly. But it all starts with recruiting, and we have not been able to recruit the top pitchers like we used to. That's was one big factor in why we lost to Rice. I know recruiting in baseball is hard, but if Ole Miss, Tulame, and Rice can figure it out, why can't we. You have to develop the players you get on campus and frankly, it obviously that hasn't happened.

    I think LSU does a good job of using small ball when it's appropriate. We just have problems executing it. By no means should we devote our offense to small ball.
  8. Wow, convincing...



    Why would he take a downgrade. Some of you guys really are delusional.

    Robicheaux is the likely candidate. Period.

    Anyway....LSU athletics has always been very mediocre and you guys will be re-aquainted with that fact very soon. You have a 2nd rate, used, football coach, there is no baseball program to speak of, COMBINED WITH the fact that nobody wants to coach there because of the non-highschool educated fans, and now PLAYERS dont want to play there for the same reason.

    As far as football goes.....lol.......u guys will make a nice SEC whipping boy. Dont believe the hype.