Several news articles reference the fact that Wayne Huizenga consulted Don Shula about hiring Nick Saban, and that Shula said Nick should be their best choice. Now, here's an interesting angle, who stands to benefit most from Nick leaving the SEC West? Probably Alabama, coached by none other than little Mikey Shula. Think about it. Ole Miss and LSU will have new coaches. MSU won't be competitive still next year. Arkansas will be Matt Jones-less and thus even worse than this year. Auburn's offense will be nearly all new personnel next year with a QB who has almost 0 experience. That leaves Alabama, who has many returning on what was a powerful defense and if Brodie Croyle can manage not to get killed (a big IF); they stand to be very competitive with LSU next year who will likley be favored to win the West. Not saying Don had ulterior motives because recommending Saban isn't exactly a longshot, but it is interesting how this worked out.
I'll do you one better. High-Zinger and Shula, I submit, timed the hiring of Saban to have MAXIMUM negative impact on LSU. Also consider this: -- High Zinger is a big FL Gator booster. As such, he waits to begin contact with Saban until AFTER the Gators have locked up Urban Meyer. This denies LSU the opportunity to replace Saban with Meyer. Not only does the Saban hire help the Dolphins, but it also helps two SEC teams (Florida and Bama) and screws the new Big Dog of the SEC: LSU! Does anybody remember when Florida hired Urban Meyer? Wasn't it BEFORE High Zinger contacted Saban about the job? And, yes, I absolutely believe that part of Shula's motive for wanting Saban was to help Shula, Junior at Bama.
Man, now y'all are reaching..... Were you aware that WH and DS were business partners prior to Mike Shula even being considered for the Alabama post? Wait, maybe Dandy Don didn't realize Saban's greatness before he pulled the strings to get Lil' Mikey the Bammer job.....sheesh. :rofl:
Hey, Genius. How does anything that you wrote discount anything that I wrote? I was asking about the timing of WH's contact with NS, because I thought that WH may want to let Florida seal Meyer in before NS knew that he was wanted in Miami. Then YOU see fit to chime in with a smart-ass remark. I don't get it! What exactly are you trying to prove around here? What makes you think that I am interested in you smart-ass responses to my questions? Why do you hang around here, anyway? We know that you mean us no good will. You just run back to your Auburn boards and report on what's going on here. Let's make a new rule for Auburn guests on our board: If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all! :angry:
I had already predicted that the wes would be between LSU and Bama next year. Interesting little twist isn't it?
Yep, only one thing, we're STILL going to beat BAMA like a drum. remember this when it happens. Got It?
Lafitte, it doesn't..... nor was it intented to. My response was to the original poster, cottonjoe, when he implied that Don Shula had the motive of protecting his son by suggesting Saban as HC for the Fins. It's a prepostersous statement, and certainly one that is insulting to Saban. My smartass remark is called "sarcasm." Take another look. I'm confident you will see that my post was not intended as you seem to have received it. Apologies if you feel that it was. :nope:
I like Bama better than Auburn, anyway. Unless an Auburn win helps LSU, I have ALWAYS pulled for Alabama in the Iron Bowl. Always, always, since I was a kid.