1. Nope. It's about killing innocent babies vs killing murderers and rapists.
  2. Well I see you're well versed in those poor arguments, next person?

    Anybody got anything better.
  3. In most cases, abortion is the product or two irresponsible people. Anything involving capital offenses is usually done by choice. Making a decision and getting punished for it. Abortion shouldn't be excused because because some whores wanted it bareback or because some dude is too wasted to pull out. (just quick examples)
  4. I understand those examples and Im not saying I dont agree with you, but from a religious point of view, how do you reconcile the two without being hypocritical.
  5. the whole god thing.

    but for me, as i do oppose both yet do not believe god exists, abortion is irresponsible and capital punishment is unnecessary (and barbaric, reactionary and irreversible).
  6. but once they are born it's everyone for themselves right? :hihi:

  7. Only somewhat. In America, support of the death penalty and opposing abortion seems to create an inconsistent ethic on life.

    I think society has a right and obligation to impose the death penalty when there are no alternative adequate means to punish the guilty and protect society from criminals. We have both.

    Add to that that we have an imperfect and often inequitable justice system and that capital punishment has failed as a deterrent and I come to the conclusion that the death penalty serves no benefit to society.
  8. maybe "give to caeser what is caeser's"?
  9. no original sin?
  10. Law of the land.