1. Great thing about college is even when school is 'open', it can be 'closed' if you really want it to.:D
  2. I thought y'all didn't have a Fall Break to begin with. My girlfriend was bitching about how she didn't see a Fall Break on the schedule at the beginning of the year. She's since disenrolled from grad school, but that's an entirely different story all together.
  3. Just talked to someone in the Office of Communications and University Relations and he said a broadcast email will be sent to students shortly.
  4. You guys will do anything to get out of school... :hihi:
  5. Whatever, dude... I'm sitting in my second class right now as we speak. You keep waiting on your email.
  6. Listen cheif, don't get hard with me, I already went to two classes and worked out. Yes I know class is on as we speak; however, state offices south of Alexandria are closing at noon and that includes EBR Parish. Thus I sent an email and that was the response I got.
  7. Just got an email saying LSU is closing at 230. Also there is a good chance it will not be open Monday. Also heard from others too. By the way Carface, you have to be at class 730 Monday morning, regardless. Ciao.
  9. Classes end at 2:30 pm today
  10. we are now under a tornado warning...

    We could have taken a day off....

    But couldn't b/c they put the game Monday...

    This game should have been on Sunday