Saban rumors already?

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by tigermojo, Sep 3, 2003.

  1. msully

    msully Founding Member

    He jas not won the BIG one yet relax

    Coach Saban has not yet put together a team that is unbeatable the offense scores on the weaker teams we just pound the weaker teams . LSU has not reached the powerhouse respect of Steve's gators ,not many teams beat Steve and his gators . It will take 5 or 6 years of being in the top 4 , before we need to worry about The Coach Leaving and going pro . But for now just be happy that we have him as coach for as long as he is in Baton Rouge
  2. SabanFan

    SabanFan The voice of reason

    It's his relationship with the Bears' owner that fuels the rumors.
  3. SouthLink02

    SouthLink02 Founding Member

    Dude, give him more then 1 year. Kind of ridiculous to judge on 1 single season.
  4. Nice job on this one
  5. GxLSU1

    GxLSU1 Founding Member

    People are judging Zook after one season.....Why not Spurrier?
  6. SouthLink02

    SouthLink02 Founding Member

    Becuase Spurrier has shown in the past that he can win and win BIG while Zook has proven nothing as a head coach.
  7. PaulP

    PaulP Founding Member

    Chucke, you must be drunk if you think Saban would leave LSU to coach at another college.
  8. MobileBengal

    MobileBengal Founding Member

    Yeah, I really doubt he would leave for some other school. He's already one of the highest paid coaches in college football, with an incentive to get paid $1 more than the highest paid coach in the event of a national championship (I think thats right). Plus, we are giving him everything he wants. He has a good relationship with Skip and Emmert, and everybody loves him. Why would he want to go anywhere other than the NFL? Sure, it happens sometimes, a la Dennis Franchione, Tommy Tubberville, etc., but the window in which that would have occured has elapsed.
  9. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    PaulP, you must have forgotton Nicks response to the overtures from Notre Dame. "I'm not interested at this time."

    At this time.

    Nick has spent his entire football career in and around Ohio and the Big 10 and has no long-term history in the south or with LSU. I think Nick will stick around here for a shot at the national championship in the next 3 or 4 years. Then he will probably finish his career in the NFL.

    But if Michigan, Ohio State, or Notre Dame came calling when the time is right for Nick to move on. . . he just might do it. Ask them at Michigan State. Nick did not grow up dreaming of LSU and he's never made any statement that he would never leave.

    Anything can happen.
  10. Geaux5000

    Geaux5000 Founding Member

    Of course anything COULD happen with an Ohio State or Michigan but I would say highly unlikley given the recruiting advantages he has at LSU to go along with the support he has within the program.

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