Ryan Patterson

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by DDTigerFan, May 15, 2005.

  1. DDTigerFan

    DDTigerFan Back from the Dead

    RP went into Saturday's game with a .381 batting average and left the game with a .396 average after his 5-5 performance. I really hope that he sees all this hard work payoff in the postseason and with a good MLB contract. I still can't believe he wasn't even drafted last year. He's definitely making a name for himself in college baseball this year. Great job Ryan and good luck!
  2. cajdav1

    cajdav1 Soldiers are real hero's

    I'm damn glad he wasn't drafted last year, especially high. I bet he is too, it motivated him to work on a lot of things in his game and has paid off for him and LSU. That "take this" homerun he hit yesterday after seeing the blast from Iorg was incredible, pretty much matching Iorg's blast.
  3. Carface

    Carface What the...?

    Ryan Patterson's the man.
  4. blindside517

    blindside517 Founding Member

    After today hes really the man!
  5. u r tigerbait22

    u r tigerbait22 Founding Member

    ryans not only a dominating player, but a great guy...he is one of the most friendly guys that you'll ever meet...i wish him the best luck in the future:tigbas:
  6. TomE

    TomE Founding Member

    Ryan patterson had a great game saturday but im suprised no one mentioned what he accomplished Sunday. He moved into a 5th place tie on the LSU career home run list with Albert Belle. Ryan's batting average is up to .397 with 20 doubles 2 triples, 19 homers, and 49 RBIs.
    Clay Harris' 4-5 performance Saturday kinda flew in under the radar due to Ryans 5-5 day. Its to bad LSU cant put up these numbers on Friday night we wouldnt have to worry about Lane's pitching woes. This would be a fine week to get that undercontrol im sure they will get it done with Ryan and Clay along with Nick leading the way.
  7. Carface

    Carface What the...?

    Good for RP. He deserves it.

  8. blindside517

    blindside517 Founding Member

    He and some other guys are getting hot at exactly the right time...

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