1. stop it homo, you're scaring me
  2. Is he the fly or the stinking pile of shit? I'm thinking the latter.
  3. Kiki-caca
    LaSalleAve likes this.
  4. Homo? just going by your avatar are you transgendered?
  5. You will need more than pepper spray to get rid of me besides will be hard to use it against me with it stuck up your ass! Stock up on the spray libtard going to be a long 8 years, a bit of advice for your own safety;
    Better use it in the states of California, Oregon, Washington, Illinois and in New England other wise you might get your ass kicked!
  6. Pepper-spraying others at a protest is an indefensible act. It is also not exclusive to either side. You don't have to go back very far (2011) to find an example of nonviolent lefty protesters being sprayed in the face. Remember this idiot?

    'Lotta assholes out there of all stripes.


  7. Sell your stupitidy to Lasalle and Duck no market here for your dribble.

    1. Calling me stupid while misspelling stupidity....nice
    2. You have no idea what "my side" is.
    3. You and I may disagree, but the courts who ordered UC Davis (a public institution) to pay $1 million agree with me that these cops abused their power.
    4. They're not even real police. They're campus cops playing dress-up with unnecessary riot gear.
    kluke and GiantDuckFan like this.
  8. My sincere apologies for calling you an idiot I misread your post. I now know you called the cop an idiot not me. However I see no comparison to one cop pepper spraying prople who refuse to leave an area and the continued violence and anarchy of the left toward people with an oppising view, how can you possible relate the two? I predict if the left continues this we conservatives will start hitting back harder and I hope we do.
  9. you can't possibly be that fucking stupid?.. do you see Robidoux87's avatar above?,.. guess what, that's not really a picture of him,.. see the avatar below that?.. just a picture, that guy only acts like a stooge, he's not the real one. Idiot
    kluke likes this.