1. Oh but it is. That bitch is involved they just haven't turned over the right slime covered Rock yet
  2. I've admitted nothing of the sort and I have no idea what the fuck you are talking about. Surveillance would only apply if they were intentionally surveilled and they were not, they were caught up in incidental surveillance because they were talking to the bad guys too often and about shit they shouldn't have been discussing.
  3. all you can do is blame Obama or Clinton. It's like your feeble mind has a two way switch in it and when reason comes calling you shake your head so hard your helmet covers your face and see which side the red needles points to: Clinton or Obama.

  4. Maybe you should open those links and read them. Not a shred of hard evidence. Just opinions.

    "Here are four stories that verify in black and white that the Russians hacked the DNC emails and turned them over to Wikileaks for political purposes and, more pointedly, to help Trump's campaign."

    Stories..... Stories..

    funny the contents section is void of facts:

    I read it, maybe you should.

  5. No I am using your weak arguments back on you and you melt like a child.

    There was actual evidence that SAP classified data was illegaly removed and distributed and we brushed it under the rug. You fucks care now so much about national security from Russia but gave ZERO fucks to the Clinton being paid to speak in Russia.

    Enjoy the next 7 years.
  6. and they were unmasked because they were talking to people who were being surveilled at the time which means they were suspected of doing something bad and your boys were chatting it up with them and about things that troubled the national security apparatus. stop acting like they had wire taps in their offices or something. take your own advice and use that pea rattling around in your head for something other than as maraca.
  7. Nice try, sparky. But that old Trump logic is worn out around here. Asking that GDF or I give you the messy details about what Trump or his associates did or assuming that they did nothing at all is absurd. So absurd I am sure it appears heady and cute to you. However, we are not in charge of the investigation here; the FBI is doing that. Did you read that two members of the House Intel Committee commented yesterday that members of the Trump team would be doing jail time over this? Jail time. Whether that is true or not is to be seen but the fact that they were willing to go on the record with that is pretty damn telling imo.
  8. SO it wasn't big enough to send to the FBI until "after" Trump was elected lol.

    I never once said wiretaps.

    I own you NC.

  9. of course she is. and unicorns prefer leprechauns too. everyone knows this. it's almost as if godzilla never did face off with king kong or Jimmy Superfly Snuke really did ever take down Andre the Giant.
  10. Then give me your mathematical odds homie.

    That dude doesn't have the clearance level to know who is going to jail.