1. Because it was leaked. He knew someone unmasked his teams names and were recording. What are you missing? It was political the moment the names of US citizens were released.
  2. The word? LOL. the same people that lied about spying on US persons.... We have proof the CIA can mask their IP addresses to look like anything they want as well has high-school students with that ability.

    Not a single shred of evidence has been presented.

    What CRIME? Please show me the crime........

    The lack of "crime" is the proof that this is all political. You know, the same argument you told me for HRC?

    Am I right or wrong now?
  3. Let me rephrase then: He is Trump's liability.
  4. LOL how? The FBI already said the conversation he "lied" about has all about nothing and no crime was committed.
  5. although I will add, the only known crime is in fact the leaking of classified information. that is a fact.....
  6. Donald Trump Russia probe: Congressman investigating alleged links says 'someone will end up in jail'

    .....Joaquin Castro, a member of the House Intelligence Committee, which is looking into Moscow’s alleged cyber-meddling in the 2016 election, declined to say which individuals may have been guilty of crimes.....

    .....Of the investigation into alleged links between Mr Trump and Russia, he said: “The FBI, as part of our counterintelligence effort, is investigating the Russian government’s efforts to interfere in the 2016 president election.”

    He added: “That includes investigating the nature of any links between associates of the Trump campaign and the Russian government and whether there was any coordination between the campaign and the Russian effort. I cannot say more about what we are doing and whose conduct we are examining.”.....

    .....Mr Castro appeared confident when he spoke on Tuesday evening, and suggested that based on what he had heard or seen, criminal charges would likely be brought against some people associated with the Trump campaign.....
    Tiger in NC likes this.
  7. But if he wanted Trump could make this "evidence" public, so why doesn't he? On one hand we have the FBI and the Senate and House Intel Committees who are investigating and keeping quiet about what they know and on the other hand we have Trump who is throwing shit against the wall but has no evidence to support it. Further, he has the authority to make his evidence public but he has yet to do so.

    It's not political if crimes were committed and they were caught up in incidental surveillance. In other words, if we were surveilling the Russian Ambassador because we believe he is a spy then that is perfectly legal. If Person A keeps placing calls to the Russian Ambassador and the content of their conversations are criminal or suspicious in nature then our Intel apparatus has all the legal standing in the world to unmask that person to find out who they are. You act like Susan Rice knew that she was unmasking someone from the Trump campaign. Let's be clear here: No one get's unmasked unless they are doing something they are not supposed to be doing. You act like the Trump campaign was being spied on for political reasons and that is just utter bull shit.
  8. The evidence already supports it. Even you admitted it.

    If my aunt had a dick she'd be my uncle.

    They had his team captured for over a year and no charges...... I'd ask you to think about that but its clear you are having a hard time this morning.
  9. you trust the propaganda of the Russian government more than your own countrymen. you want us to believe that all 17 of these agencies have a conspiracy against Trump? is that it? pathetic

    The FBI will be getting to that soon enough, son. Patience.

    Okay Donald Jr., we hear you. Yep, the guy who reported the crime is the real problem here.....not the criminal. You toe the Donald Trump line no matter what don't you? That's just sad. Leaking is illegal. So is speeding. Leaking has been going on in Washington since forever and Trump nor anyone else is going to stop it.