1. If he is impeached, all of his appointments should be null and void, and his executive orders should be null and void as well. I mean at worst this could be treason and if that's the case how can anything he has done in his time as President be allowed to stand?
  2. Not going to happen. They didn't cancel all of Nixon's appointees, except for the ones that went to prison.
    Winston1 likes this.
  3. You favor the destruction of the present two party system so you should be glad Trump won. Far better than if the wretched count had become POTUS. She would just channel her inner slime and slither her way out of it the way the Clintons have dome time and time again.
  4. I disagree both of them are equally terrible.
  5. But what if he is charged with treason? That's way different.
  6. No LaSalle. His actions while president will stand unless reversed, overturned or cancelled by whoever follows him, congressional action or court rulings.
    There is no fruit of the poisoned tree theory in American law for actions taken while in office. That would really create chaos.
  7. What if he is charged and found guilty of treason? Can't a case be made if that happens that he was a Russian puppet and everything he did must be reversed? If it were Obama, the same thing should happen.
  8. It wouldn't be overturned by judicial action. More like through repeal by Congress using the normal process. The new president could issue his own executive orders reversing Trump's executive orders but the Trump appointments to non cabinet positions would stand unless each individual appointee were to be found guilty of malfeasance in office or some other violation of the law. SCOTUS appointees and I think federal judges are appointed for life so the removal of Trump would have no bearing on those already confirmed and in office.
  9. That's crazy. There should be some special circumstances for treason.