1. post #1706
  2. I read your post geeze what a resounding endorsement of Trump;

    "I think Donald Trump is an absolute horror of a human being,.. but how important that is,. should be decided on election day".
  3. do I have to spell out my point?.. one more time

    if Mueller signs off that he's criminally clean, then the dems should back the fuck off, just because he's an immoral piece of shit doesn't mean he should be driven from office.

    Bad character is not a good reason to remove a person from office,.. but bad character is a good reason not to vote for him
  4. I wouldn't say Red ran and hid; that's just your wishful thinking. I think Red just got tired of arguing with people who have no regard for the truth.
  5. But the results?
  6. It wasn't about politics. Was about football. He couldn't face the truth about Les Miles and "the golden age of LSU football."
  7. You, and others like you, keep saying this but the investigation isn't over yet. Why in the world would Mueller just lay all of his cards out on the table in the middle of his investigation? No prosecutor does that. Why are you so eager to draw a conclusion before the investigation is over?

    No they are not. Just because you and the conservative media keep repeating it doesn't make it true. The entire unmasking "scandal" was a nothing burger, just like all of the other things I listed. Distractions. And by the way you did nothing to refute what I said, just that it was "proven." That's just sad on your part.

    Where's your proof then, hoss? Where is your proof of this Deep State bull shit that you keep pushing? Who is a part of this "network" that you speak of? Who are the members of the Deep State? You can't tell me because it doesn't exist. Again, you did nothing to refute my point except to say, "but the conservative media told me it was the Deep State....."

    What did the IG report say? Nothing. Susan Rice did nothing improper. She followed proper channels. Again, you are making up stories to make yourself feel better and you've done nothing to refute this point. Again, you are being lied to and you keep taking the bait. Why?

    Do you know the definition of an informant? Do you know the difference between a spy and an informant? Let me help you:
    A spy is a designated plant, put in place intentionally to report any information that they see, to whoever employed them.

    An informant is an informal person who sees something and who either goes to the authorities because they are either bothered by it, or because they might receive some compensation or favors.

    To make it even more simple, James Bond was a spy. Bill at the factory sees someone doing something illegal, and he feels compelled to tell someone because he feels it is wrong, and it bothers his morals

    Read more: http://www.city-data.com/forum/poli...ce-between-spy-informant-2.html#ixzz5H5DVqp8e

    LOL....you are so deep in Trump's ass that you don't even realize that it is considered common knowledge that Russia interfered in our election with the express intent of helping Trump win. This is not up for debate. We are having an investigation as we speak into whether or not Trump or his cronies participated in that effort.
  8. agree to disagree then. just like the server, Trump's phone makes him more susceptible to foreign and enemy intercept. security is security and it doesn't matter the person.
  9. Honestly I don't know why Red left.....just always assumed it was over politics.
  10. That’s funny. When we would provide said truth, he would never respond.

    It’s funny that you guys think he was never wrong. On anything. You act the same way.