
If there was a presidential election held today, who would you vote for?

  1. George W Bush

  2. Obama

  3. no one

  4. put a pistol in your mouth and head for better days

  1. the car was wrecked, but at least left drivable. the current guy is gonna have it ready for the scrap heap from hitting so many walls if he's not removed from behind the wheel.

  2. Especially since Jimmuh Carter was once President.

    2 votes for Obama? I see MM and LaSalle have chimed in.

    Barry could be screwing their wives and they'd compliment his technique.
  3. Thats fine, id rather him screw my wife, then let Bush bend me over like the way you love it.
  4. left drivable? that thing should have been totaled out in 07. What we have now is a guy who thought he could drive, or fix that piece of crap, and he just isn't the guy.
  5. You are right he can't fix the car, so he is seeing that it gets chopped up and handed over to his friends. Just because Bush was a huge doofus doesn't make Obama less of a doofus. He is king of the doofi.
  6. It isn't all barry, dingy harry and that see you next tuesday sitting atop congress own their share as well. barry could stop it but didn't and won't. This is the bs that pisses me off. Instead of realizing we simply DON"T HAVE the money to extend unemployment he will get back up on his stump and act like it is all the GOP's fault. Time to flush the toilet and get rid of all of them. The whole lot, no sitting member should still have residence in D.C.
  7. i'm in agreement with the GOP on this one. I think unemployment benefits should stop. People may have to settle for jobs they feel are beneath them, but you gotta do what you gotta do sometimes. I've done it.
  8. What Obama doesn't tell you is that there are many Democrats who want to see how the proposed extension will be paid for before they will vote for it.

  9. I know. That's what I said.
  10. I can get another wife, but how many times can the doctor stitch up your azz before you have to shyt in a pouch?

    Let me stop before I get another warning for being "unfair" to Sabanfan.....
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