1. Dude, I'll make it several cases and have pizza delivered every Friday for a year!
  2. Rickey Jefferson plead guilty to misdemeanor resisting arrest today, down from felony resisting arrest. Two years probation. I think he got screwed.
  3. Maybe back in the day ... the ACT has been a joke since I was in high school (took it in 98). Blew the test away with 1 hour of sleep, and still feeling groggy from drinking and partying the night before. Was expecting to have to retake it, got my score and didn't need to.
  4. Then you are either a genius or got really lucky. My daughter studied her ass off and took it 4 times. 26, 27, 28, 29. She has a very high IQ and had a 3.92 gpa (weighted was 4.5). This was last year.
  5. I wrestled a bear once.
  6. Classic
  7. I test extremely well, but I'd be willing to bet your daughter had 1, maybe 2 subjects that brought her down, and she kicked the shit out of the other two. It really is not that hard.
  8. My point was not bragging, which is the way you put it. My point was that the ACT has been watered down since before I took it even. There used to be almost no 32-36's, and now there are 2-3 36's per state and a ton more 32-34's
  9. My best friend in high school made a 36.
  10. 36's impress the fuck out of me to be honest.