1. Or better yet, NOT NEEDED because we didn't live in a world where kids grow up thinking something is owed to them. Ironically, the only thing they are "owed" is the only thing they are not getting, and that would be a lesson in how to act. Being taught about respect, manners, discipline and the ability to make decent decisions.
    Attack Tiger likes this.
  2. shane, there was a generation that had those values & qualities; I, like you, don't see them much in evidence these days. Just using LSU football as a microcosm, I see a lot of fabulously gifted guys who--even at the H.S. level--begin to expect to be courted & coddled because of their athletic prowess. Unfortunately, the media bears lot of the responsibility for all the fawning over these athletes.

    If I had had 1/10 of the athleticism genetically gifted into my body, I would have made something of that. And have been grateful for the chance.

    All we seem to get from many of our student athletes today is excuses, faux-apologies, and more excuses. Nut up or shut up!
  3. Well LSU does not need him . JJ was kicked off the team for what in his last season ./ It was not smoking ,
  4. Larry Bird’s 21-year-old son (a student at Indiana) was jailed (his bond was set at $10,000 surety, $500 cash) by Indiana University campus police Sunday and faces multiples charges after trying to hit his ex-girlfriend multiple times with his black, 2007 Dodge Charger in a parking lot. the girlfriend escaped with the help of another woman who let Bird's girlfriend in her car, drove her away from the scene, and took her to the police. a fellow student at Indiana was an eye witness the the whole thing. Bird is also being charged with possession of marijuana. Police are awaiting results from a blood draw to see if Bird will be charged with operating his vehicle while intoxicated. It's not Bird's first run-in with the law -- he was reportedly arrested in 2011 for underage drinking and disorderly conduct.

    Connor Bird

  5. Is that not "attempted murder?" I hope so.

    That loser needs to be thrown into a deep pit. Then forget where they buried him.
  6. I bet you Daddy's proud.
  7. this will be thrown out, Supreme court has already ruled you cant arrest someone for foul language towards police officers.
  8. when was he kicked off the team?
  9. That's right he was suspended and reinstated. That is NOT being kicked off, a distinction AND a difference.
  10. But you can arrest them for interfering with an arrest and they can definitely prosecute someone for laying hands on a police officer.