Rickey Jefferson Arrested.

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by Kal-El012, Mar 13, 2013.

  1. ROY_LA_CA

    ROY_LA_CA Founding Member

    Thanks TF for this post --- Wonder if it will give any pause to consider that these boys are innocent until proven guilty.
  2. tigermark

    tigermark Rematches suck!

    Wasn't Jeremy in trouble for getting a BJ from a freshman? If so, that is in NO way close to the level of trouble that RJ caused.
  3. Tiger_fan

    Tiger_fan Veteran Member

    A freshman is what, 14 years old right out of middle school? Do you really think a 17-18 year old Hill seducing a 14 year old into a BJ in the high school locker room is in NO WAY on the level of RJ allegely being one of THREE 17-18 year olds supposedly (haven't had the judge hear it yet) resisting the trouble they were given by an ARMED, TRAINED, and much older Narcotics Detective for the Jefferson Parish (population of 432,552) Sheriff's Dept and his fellow Officers?
  4. gynojunkie

    gynojunkie "Pooties R Us"

    Ah, jeez! I know that this will likely settle out in the end, but does LSU need this drama again? I would propose to LSU's AD that, upon offering and/or signing a player to any LSU athletic activity, a "playbook" of sorts be given to the athlete; said playbook would cover his/her expected conduct--effective immediately upon signing--and would require the athlete to review the material and then sign an attestation that he/she understands its meaning.

    What would it cover? Conduct, comportment, relations with other athletes, students, police and the media--to start.

    Like: "If a uniformed police officer is in the process of making an arrest of your friend, you may wish to remain a witness (on behalf of your friend); it would not be a good idea to intervene, especially by placing your hand (or your foot)--or any other part of your person--upon the person of the arresting officer. Let the court sort it out."

    Yeah! Stuff like that. Write it out in street language if necessary, but start the mentoring process as soon as possible. IMO, if TM7 had been "mentored for success" early on in his time at LSU, the whole history of the last season would perhaps have been much different for us.
  5. Tiger_fan

    Tiger_fan Veteran Member

    I'm assuming you didn't make it to high school. Everybody i know that made it to high school, and to LSU, got this thing you propose: "a 'playbook' of sorts be given to the (student-)athlete; said playbook would cover his/her expected conduct."

    It's called the Student Handbook.

    And, if you ever got a job with a company, you would find they have the same thing, called an Employee Handbook

    It is stunning that this is a new concept to you
  6. furduknfish

    furduknfish #ohnowesuckagain

    They dont hand anything out anymore. Its all on the internet, grandpaw.
  7. Tiger in TX

    Tiger in TX Quack

    because he got some ass from a freshman, and she cried wolf..... No, not the same.
  8. Tiger in TX

    Tiger in TX Quack

    Seniors and Freshman hooking up in high school. Is that really so unheard of?
  9. Tiger in TX

    Tiger in TX Quack

  10. gynojunkie

    gynojunkie "Pooties R Us"

    You assume too much! Believe me!

    Not a new concept to me! I wrote employee handbooks for my staff for over 30 years.

    Would it not be interesting and novel, at the H.S. & college level, if the handbooks were actually emphasized, reiterated and enforced?
    Attack Tiger likes this.

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