1. Sorry, I was still fukn around.

    He wasnt my best friend.
  2. I went from page 2 to page 10. started out about Jefferson getting arrested and ended up about wrestling bears. weird.
    KyleK and furduknfish like this.
  3. Maybe kids just prepare more for the test now. I know there were no "how to take the ACT" classes offered when I was in HS.

    Education is no longer about learning to think and reason. Its all geared toward passing the tests.
  4. This is very true. Although you'll find that people who learn how to think and reason can pretty much pick up any subject and be good at it.
  5. You are absolutely right on all fronts. Regarding ACT, they absolutely prepare more. Way more. It's not even close. Not sure about the watered down theory, but certainly about increased preparation. Kids in the area I am in are so damn competitive in HS. Many aren't enjoying the experience, just taking a bunch of AP courses to make their 4.85 GPA look even more attractive to the top schools. It's all about competing, and jockeying for position. They not only use study guides for ACT/SAT, but take classes, etc, and have parents that will pay for those things. I recommend to many of these "Crazies", as I call them, a book called Less Stress, More Success.
  6. LaSalle recommends weed.
    ParadiseiNC likes this.
  7. I was a solid C-D student, got a 21 on my ACT in my Junior year and didn't bother taking it again, went to the community college, and now I'm doing just as well or even better than most of the honor students I graduated with. Those over-achievers are likely the type that will never be happy no matter how much they accomplish, and they'll look back on their life and wonder why in the Hell they even bothered to try so hard.
    gyver and ParadiseiNC like this.
  8. Damn 2 years probation for resisting? Gotta make money somehow I guess. Maybe

    Not for kids, I don't think children should use pot unless there is a medical condition and even then I don't advocate smoking it unless a vaporizer is used. 18 and up for recreational use.
  9. Taking standardized tests is a skill, like any other. You can practice to increase your skill level, but at some point the law of diminishing returns kicks in, I'd think. In other words, I could practice golf 10 hours a day, but my lack of native skill would prevent me from ever achieving an elite level of proficiency.
    Attack Tiger and KyleK like this.
  10. yep, sounds like all of the kids got a raw deal. but LEOs have a tough job, the kids couldve gotten an even rougher deal.