1. no Im probably 95% sure she made up a word, she's following in Jesse Jackson's footsteps, making up words.
  2. that was a typo. readers who pay attention can almost always tell the difference.

    i will grant you that corpse man is stupid. it happens to all of us. refudiate is particularly stupid because she is exposing that she doesnt know what the proper word actually is. sarah palin is stupid. obama is articulate and far smarter.

    smart people use words creatively, and this sometimes means inventing words. palin is right. shakespeare did it all the time. i make up words by adding suffixes and affixes and using false cognates and new portmanteaus and using nouns like they were adjectives. i do it to better express what i mean, it is a good thing.

    palin is just stupid and she didnt know the proper word. bush did this all the time, he was very good-natured about it.
  3. glad you agree
  4. she is right about making up words, she wasnt doing that, she was mistaking a fake word for a real one.
  5. This thread has been refudiated. In a retroactivation mannerism.
    1 person likes this.
  6. now your channeling your inner Jesse Jackson.:hihi:
  7. But I was squeaking a Mike Tyson voice. Got to go all out.
  8. this thread is heading straight for bolivion
  9. No shyt, Sherlock!

    Not if "corpse man" and "wee wee'd up" are any indicators.
  10. What do ya know, it works here too! :grin: :cool: :wave:

    Sorry, I couldn't resist.. :hihi: