1. I understand it's their right to do it but it doesn't change the fact that it's wrong. I guess their parents didn't raise them to be red white and blue. My highschool days were during the Regan years. When I was in middle school I first started watching the news with dad. I would hear about the puddy Jimmy Carter and the weakness of the democrats. He cursed in disgust when the impotentance became so apparent during the failed hostage rescue attempt. When Regan came in he installed a new pride in America. He made us strong and he made me proud of America. He along with my dad shaped my political thinking. I voted for bush senior my first vote. I voted for Clinton aginst dole. I thought at the time he showed that pride in America that I did. He had balls enough to go to Bosnia. I have voted for blue dog type democrats before but hate the progressive liberal democrat that will picket a marine recruiting station or shout down soilders returning from battle. My dad is sixty years old. I was at his house when the story came out about the Columbia university students shouting down the soilder with two legs shot off. I thought pop was going to have a freaking heart attack. The problem is the democrats have been overrun by these anti American progressive fools. It doesn't matter if the republicans cut only rich people's taxes and whatever. I will not support a party that will bring that sense of failure and weakness back to the nation. All democrats now remind me of Jimmy Carter impotence and of the punks spitting on a limping soilder being helped through the airport by another soilder while be shouted baby killer at. Every democrat progressive reminds me of that. They're all Jane Fonda sitting on a commy field gun trashing America every time I see one.
  2. Point of fact, they were picketing a recruitment office, not a serviceman.

    We established in another thread that the "babykiller" accusation is a myth. WHy do you still base your outlook on right wing propaganda that has been proven false?

    Liberals do not do this. The only instance you have offered is people booing a veteran who is taking an unpopular side in a public hearing. They booed his message, not his military service.

    Nobody has disrespected a serviceman here. Pardon me, I think you offer false bravado and phony patriotism.

    Another urban myth. Look, I was around then and it just didn't happen. I know dozens of Namvets and none of them was ever spit upon. It's right wing propaganda from the 60's, man. You will literally believe anything.

    Those that protested Vietnam were protesting against the government, not the troops. We were trying to get the troops back home, they were our friends, brothers, and cousins.

    No the troops did not get a ticker tape parade when they returned. But that was because there was not a big victory and homecoming. Troops shipped out and were shipped back in small units over ten years. And no one was waiting there spitting on them.

    You're very proud of yourself, I see. It is foolish to assume that those that disagree with you politically are un-American. It is in fact, un-American to do so. The servicemen we all respect fought so that citizens could enjoy all the freedoms the Constitution gave us.

    Who says that they were demorats? That protest was not organized by democrats. You made that up.

    Do you imagine that there are not Democrat Marines? :lol:
  3. Amigo, you have embraced more false stereotypes than anyone I know. Ancient stereotypes from the hippie days, even. SabanFan and Shane have gotten past most of that foolishness and focus on realities. I encourage you to join them.

    Even the goose-stepping martin bashed you for trying to paint a student crowd booing a political statement as "democrats disrespecting a wounded veteran". It's Limbaugh bullchit and unbecoming to a serious conservative.
  4. "disrespected a serviceman or burned an American flag"

    burning a flag would be a nice way to show respect to the serviceman for defending your freedom to burn the flag. and i am not facetious. burning a flag is an expression of freedom
  5. i think you have the right idea. most of those people are ****ing scumbags. red is denying the hippies spitting on servicemen because that was him and he was too stoned to make the trip.

    but dont take this **** too personally. we have loads and loads of stupid people here. so many that we'd be the size of cuba if we killed them all.

    acceptance of others beliefs is a tough thing for everyone but thats what freedom is. live and let live unless your security is threatened.

    just do your best to be good to your fellow man and your kids will follow that example.
  6. true. the wounded veteran thing was kids at columbia (my favorite bar is near columbia and i get hammered with these kids regularly. nice kids) and they simply didnt want rotc. so they shouted at the dude who wanted rotc. not because he was a wounded vet. we should treat wounded vets like everyone else. and that means we can shout at them if we disagree. they are not to be bowed down to, treated like kings. they are cool cats, served their country, but that doesnt mean they are right 100% of the time. if those kids dont want rotc, good for them. i dont see why they care, you wouldnt have to join. but yunno, whatever.

    red is right this is a limbaugh type cheap political bunch of nonsense.
  7. If you want it to be a political statement by a young crowd of students expressing their 1st amendment rights, then that's what it will be. Those of us that didn't shirk our duty the the country just happen to see it another way.
  8. New Report Cites Penn State Courses for Violations of the ...
    Jan 24, 2007*… Following the hearings, Temple University and Penn State*… issue of anti- military bias at Columbia University after he was harassed and called a “baby killer” by his fellow students for proudly*…
    www.studentsforacademicfreedom.... - Options
  9. Letter: Columbia students not independent thinkers » Knoxville ...
    Mar 15, 2011*… Here is the rest of the story: Columbia University has,*… He was called a rapist and a baby killer.*…
    m.knoxnews.com/news/2011/mar/15... - Options

    Both of these do say he was called a babykiller. There is pages and pages on google that say it happened. Red you say we settled this earlier and it wasn't said. Article after article says this. They have all the rights to do it but it's still chickenchit. Why in the world would you not want to allow a ROTC program at your school? Why wouldn't you want a marine corps recruiting station in your city? I really don't understand. No chit really I don't. I don't understand how people can think like that. I guess because I don't understand I think it's unamerican. How can you be aginst the American military? Picket the whitehouse if you don't like a war. The military does nothing but protect us and they will ensure our freedom no matter how many has to give their life to do it. Another thing why on earth would you want to burn our flag. WTF? Why would you hate your own country that stands as a becon of freedom in the world. If it wasn't for us most of the world would either be communist or Nazi today. I guess the ones that burn the flag wouldn't mind us turning into a Marxist nation one bit.

    Red said this :

    "Who says that they were demorats? That protest was not organized by democrats. You made that up."

    you don't really think these protesters at Columbia university were conservitives and republican do you. I know your too damn smart for that. You know that people that protest things like at Columbia university are liberals. The people that burn flags are too. I don't need a link for that. You know your full of it if you try to say the ROTC protesters or the marine Corp recruiting station protesters aren't liberals. Lasalle posted earlier how can people vote aginst their own intrest. This is how this started again. I don't vote aginst my intrest. This matters to me personally more than who's tax % is what. Things like protesting servicemen matter to me very much. The other things that we have discussed matter to me politically and dominate how I vote. These things dominated how my whole family votes from my dad and mom to my wife and grandmother. Flag burning and removing the ww1 memorial cross matter to us. When I see a kid who was forced in California to remove the American flag off his bike or he couldn't drive it to school it sets me off. Every time I see something like this it cements my way of voting and thinking about liberals. These things matter to me and my family and friends. To say why do I vote aginst my intrest is crazy. How could I ever vote for a liberal when they stand for so many things I see as unamerican. To me they are everything wrong with what this country has become since we were at our greatest right after ww2. Except for civil rights. That is one good thing that has happened.
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