1. Bull. The only ones they galvanized were the ones who were against it to begin with. Elections have consequences. The people of Wisconsin voted the governor in to stop the fiscal bleeding. Just like the rest of America will do in 2012.
  2. You confuse me sometimes. One minute you say the voters are stupid, the next you have confidence in them.

  3. The ones who elected Obama.
  4. shouldn't you be working when you're at work and not worrying about what Sabanfan typed in an LSU message board?
  5. Jimmy Carter has some competition for the worst president in American history. I think Nancy polesi has bigger balls than our dear leader.
  6. How in hell could Nancy polosi keep getting elected I will never know. She would have been shot for treason a hundred years ago.
  7. You need not look further than the state that she represents dear lad.
  8. The contempt her and her kind show towards our servicemen make me disgusted. If the whole state of California fell off into the pacific ocean it would be doing the entire country a favor. I mean damn they protested a marine recruiting office in berkley. Marines have given their lives for our freedom for over two hundred years and these commy bastards show their thanks by picketing them. They aren't Americans. They are communist wanna be's that should be ashamed of themselves. I am ashamed that this trash calls themselves Americans. It really pisses me off. I hate a progressive that disrespects an American serviceman.

    Let the vultures come out and slam me. It's ok.
  9. So, in other words, any voter who votes in line with you is smart, and anyone who doesn't is an imbecile. Gotcha.
  10. as I whine about Obama all day long