1. so 1.25 billion cut from education won't effect the kids in public schools? for what it's worth I agree with you about parents.
  2. Na I'm not saying it won't affect them. But they'll make it... He's not firing the teachers. They still have jobs, with pretty damn good salaries even after the cut. You do realize that the average public school teacher up there makes about 53k... ranging from in the 50k to almost 70k. Not to mention the 45k annually in benefits they get on average. I'm sorry, but 100k a year for any state worker, even a public school teacher is excessive, when tax payers are paying for it... IMHO.

    I won't even address the other state workers as most of them are probably grossly overpaid as well.
  3. to make a statement like this you have to know far more about this than you do. how much moeny is needed? why? how much do they have now? are they spending it properly? can their problems be solved with money or is it something else?

    you always take the position of a retarded emotional 2 year old chimp.
  4. Federal gov workers don't have collective bargining rights. They are not screaming that their rights are being stomped on. Where is it written that collective bargining is a right? Remember when Regan fired every air traffic controller that went on strike? Lots of educated people with higher degrees are out of work. I would bet plenty of them would take a 70000$ a year job as a teacher. Fire every single one of them and ban every union teacher from teaching in the state unless they quit the union. I have no love for the unions at all.
  5. Well, I love you too. :shock:
  6. quickly


    did you go to public school like me? don't be offended my iq is off the charts. I was an acception.
    1 person likes this.
  7. They walked off their jobs and went and hid in another state, rather than stand up and do their duty. Interesting definition of "enough balls to stand up to them" you have there.
  8. Damn I bet you laugh your azz off when you read the crap I type!

  9. ass
  10. They did do their duty. Their duty is to their constituents. We need more people like them who stand up for their beliefs.