1. anytime you want to meet up and compare diplomas Pops, just let me know:wink:
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  2. An old boss liked to say "Some people have 20 years experience. Others have 1 year of experience 20 times".

    I don't have to compare diplomas. I only have to see your spelling and grammar skills.

  3. white collar throw down!

  4. Dueling Sheepskins. Cue the banjos.
  5. How is this a racist question?
  6. It's not. But I preempted some critcism that it was.
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  7. Wait a minute. I understand that unions served a need protecting workers in industries that abused them. That was a good thing.

    BUT COME ON - the Wisconsin teachers have working for a most democratic (party) of states for decades. What in the hell have they needed protection from? They aren't screaming because someone is taking their rights away - their screaming because someone is prying the gravy bowl out of their fat fingers.
  8. that's not true. they made concessions. they just didn't want their collective bargaining rights taken away. these are teachers we are talking about, what is more important than children's education?

    Like I said, had this Governor come out in his campaign and said, "I will strip collective bargaining rights from all teachers, and public workers, except the ones who don't support republicans, and I will cut 1.25 billion dollars from education, to pay for tax cuts for the rich and corporations" do you honestly think he would have gotten elected?
  9. Ahh... The old classic, "It's for the children.. you do love children, don't you?"

    Love it.

    And FWIW - Parents are way more instrumental in a child's education than teachers are. Ask any teacher. I know several of them here and out of state, and they all say the same thing. If the kids aren't raised worth a crap and the parents aren't involved, then it doesn't matter if you have Stephen Hawking teaching them, with a salary of a million a month. They're still not going to learn a damn thing, because to them the thought that education is even "kind of" important in life, was not instilled at home.

    Even if you're right. Ya mean a politician did something different than he said when he was campaigning? Are you that shocked by it? Or are you this pissed just because in this instance it's a Republican that did it? After all, Democrats are always true to their word, right? :wink:

    They're all rat bastards. It's just that some of them are your rat bastards, and some of them are other peoples' rat bastards. But they're rat bastards nonetheless.
  10. I type fast, I usually post quick when I have a minute at work, so I don't really worry about the grammer, my degree is in engineering, not English Lit. so if my gramatical errors offend you, go fu** yourself.

    Here's a thought, why don't you quit trying to prove you've got a good sense of humor, I already know that.