Racist question

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by SabanFan, Mar 10, 2011.

  1. Rwilliams

    Rwilliams Veteran Member

    New Report Cites Penn State Courses for Violations of the University

    just read it again. Halfway down article. The link I put up before this one says the same thing.

    It doesn't matter. They have every right to do it. I agree. I don't understand why though. I would never do it. No one I know personally would either. None of my family would. My dads best friend was in nam. He was Calvary. He told me stories about getting home from nam and being taunted in California. He got arrested in the greyhound bus station and spent his first night free in the states in jail for fighting with them. These protesters at Columbia are a new generation of the same kind of people.
  2. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    -404 not found.

    Neither of these links work. I still say that the babykiller thing is bullchit. I've heard this sotriry for 40 years and it . . . just . . . ain't . . . true.

    They do not. They are dead llnks.

    None of them cite a source however, all the same blogger. You still haven't linked to a single first-hand source from this public hearing that says the vet was called a babykiller.

    It's not my school. It's not your school. Why does anyone but Columbia students care what they want for their school?

    It's a big country. Not everyone has the same deep beliefs. We allow people to have unpopular beliefs here. It is central to the American Way. I don't understand how you don't understand this.

    They were against the military recruiting on their campus, not the military. I think you miss some distinctions here.

    Again, they were not protesting the military. They were protesting the reversal of a long-standing campus policy against on-campus recruiting. How is it that you cannot understand this difference?

    I don't know what politcal party they were from and neither do you. You made it up. What we know is that they were students with two different points of view.

    Did you know that liberals and democrats are two different things? And in any case you are still guessing and insisting that I guess, too. Sorry.

    No matter how misguided you are about that.

    i think your passion is misguided. You make a lot of assumptions not in fact. You stereotypically accuse "liberals" of everything you dislike. Take the bicycle ban. You rail at liberals, when it was actually conservatives that began the "no flag" rules because of all the Mexican flags being displayed by students there.
  3. Rwilliams

    Rwilliams Veteran Member

    It wouldn't matter if republicans were giving all the money in the world to rich people. It wouldn't matter at all. It's things that liberals do that I see as bad that stain them so bad that I can in no way see them in a good light politically. I'm not saying that I wouldn't work with them or have a beer with them. My best friends dad is a union boilermaker. He votes democrat only. We still go BBQ at his house and go fishing. I don't agree with his politics. Nothing personal.
  4. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Ahh, the infamous Corporal Sanchez. Yes, let us look at this more closely. First of all, the article you cite is from a conservative organization (SAF) trying to sell a conference featuring speaker Sanchez. So they list his "claims" that he was called a "babykiller". Lets make this clear. No news source or independent report documenting this other than Sanchez' allegation has been made.

    And lets take Corporal Sanchez himself.


    Matt Sanchez as "Rod Major".
  5. Rwilliams

    Rwilliams Veteran Member

    This isn't the same guy that got his legs blown off. Gay porn star! Yuck!

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