1. while i disagree, that made me laugh.
  2. maybe they want to prove that they hate islam, which seems like a perfectly reasonable thing to want to prove.

    as red would say fugg em.

    if they wanna be violent, yunno so be it. freedom is our thing, dude, we burn books whenever we want and those that dont like it can suck it.
  3. Don't really care about the dude burning the Quran, other than I think he's being a jackass. It's his right to do so in this country, so that's that.

    On the other side of the spectrum, look at what's going on over "there"...

    EU decries 'barbaric' plans to stone Iranian woman - Yahoo! News

    Yet we're arse-holes because we made a few of them think they were gonna drown to get information out of them..
    1 person likes this.
  4. The General is worrying about a few books being burned 1000s of miles away. What a crock of chit. If he thinks that is what is enticing hatred and violence he must be smoking a crack pipe.
  5. to put it another way, it specifically the job of our soldiers to kill the guys who try anything because we burn korans. our guys are overseas for that specific reason. when we start buring the korans, bad guys come after our soldiers, our soldiers kill those guys, thats their job. they arent overseas killing terrorists so we can be too scared to burn korans. they are overseas precisely so we can burn whatever we damn well please.
  6. i actually think he is right, of course it will cause violence. so what, cant let that stop us from burning stuff. burning stuff is free speech, the most important thing there is.
  7. My point was this is a minuscule situation. Our foreign policy does enough to entice the hatred. Burning a few books doesn't even hit the radar.
  8. i dunno about that. a goofy cartoon in denmark lit up thousands of muslims that went nuts. they care ALOT about that crap.
  9. yep. burn their holy book and all hell will break loose. but god, excuse me, alllah, forbid, a woman does something such as show a bit of forehead, or wear fingernail polish. for that she gets flogged. and for "adultry" (of which it doesnt even matter if it is proven, or just a witch hunt) she will get stoned to death. but eh, so what.

    pretty perverse.

    and yes, count me in as one who doesnt care if it is burned or not (because it is a right and protected by free speech), other than it is stupid in it will incite violence. whoever it was that mentioned the cartoon is right. a cartoon in a dutch newspaper depicting allah as a dog sent em bat shiite crazy, and got the cartoonist on a hit list.

    imo, the church here is in it to be attention whores.
  10. so if the reason is just to piss them off, why not make a bunch of cartoons depicting Mohammed having sex with a goat, or an ugly fat white woman? Why not depict him blowing Jesus or something. Why burn a book? To me this is just a ploy to get in the news. What if a mosque up the street from that church had a bible burning party? You think they would like that?

    Martin i know that would be a destination spot for you brother, imagine a church on one side of the street burning quran's and a mosque on the other burning bibles.