1. You mean to tell me that after watching the full 60 minutes of that Bama game, from beginning to end, you still don't think the loss fell on Lee's shoulders? I understand taking up for him, but c'mon...

    Football is a team sport, but why is the QB position called the most important? Because it can be a team's back breaker or a team's salvation, and that's how it panned out against Bama. 13/34, 4 INTs and a pick 6. Those are back breaking stats.

    Sorry, but to me, that played a larger factor than Mitchell's one drop or David's one missed kick.

    And yes, SabanFan, I am all cried out, but you should be done sucking up. At least TheDude isn't an a-hole.
  2. Page 27!!!

    Let's keep it going!
  3. Now THIS game is a TEAM fiasco.

    And Lee throws another pick 6.

    He shouldn't see the field for the rest of the year. The guy is a complete head case.
  4. ugh kid never saw a safety in his life. he certainly needs some time on the sideline.

    and this defense. ugh
  5. You really should wait for the game to be over. But I am sure Lee will only get marginal (if any), credit for the win, while getting the lion's share of the blame for our losses.
  6. LSU won I had to go to the paper to understand that LSU won this game . It is a young team they proved me wrong . I thought they had gave up on playing for the fans , after the fans booed them .I would have let you cry whine and moan . This is a young team , we knew we were going to lose at least 3 games .The change has to come from the defense the defense is the heart of a team . 3 to 0 wins a ball game
    If we are lucky ,we can keep the quarterbacks we have and have one hell of an offense next year and for just think in 2 years what this team can be /GEAUX TIGERS !!!!!
  7. The game should have never gotten that out of hand, and with the pitiful play of the defense and yet another Lee pick six, it did.

    But, Lee does deserve a lot of credit for the win, but this was still Troy. It was a great comeback, but again, this was still Troy. Isn't it a little sad that were excited about beating Troy?

    We'll see how he does next week against another SEC defense, against whom his track record ain't so great. I'll watch the replay tonight to see if it wasn't just blown coverage and Lee getting lucky. I know at least one throw (the TD to Lafell) was a great one though.
  8. I try to speak language you might understand. You must have been a real treat to hang around with last night. You never got over the Bama loss and then we go down 31-3 to Troy?
    Were the knives and guns hidden?
  9. I really hate Tigervision because listening on the radio you cant see whats going on everywhere other then the ball.

    And to be fair I have been critcual of Lee even in the wins because of his style of play.

    So just like with the Tulane game I can not make comment on the play of either qb because I just didnt see it.

    That being said. Lee gets full credit for the win because he was able to come back into the game after a horrible 1st half and make passes when it counted. And when the defense and Troy provided the Offense with pots of gold instead of squandering them he was able to make the most of it. Except for that one series where from the sounds of it Mr Lyde was showing back up.

    When it matter he was able to rally the team around him and put it in the endzone.

    Or at least thats what it sounded like.
  10. Crip -

    When he started to catch fire, he was still throwing poorly and the receivers were making it happen. But then his confidence came through by the early fourth quarter and he was setting his feet and hitting his receivers right on the money.

    Still didn't go through progressions too much, though.

    And he appears to be learning when to throw the ball away, so that's good news.

    BTW - Jefferson: 1 of 6. He probably could have done better but he has a tendency to tuck it and run if something isn't immediately available. I see talent, but he's clearly no more ready than J-Lee. You got your wish, though, and we got to see the kid. FWIW, I wish you would have been right. We have to rally now and support Lee as our best option.