1. Is saturday going to be the purple jersey game this year? Or are we sticking with white?
  2. Bound to be purple.
  3. I thought it was always white for the home opener....
  4. Me too.
  5. Les plays two purple games a year against OOC opponents . . . that would be Northwestern State and Western Kentucky. Maybe with only 6 home games he will drop it to one.

    I wish he would drop it forever.
  6. Yes, would rather see the white.

  7. Not wear purple at all? I don't have a problem with one game.
  8. I agree, at least switch it up one game.
  9. I seem to remember someone posting a year or two ago that the players like the purple jerseys.:lsup:
  10. I like to see the purple jerseys occasionally - but the classic white is my favorite.