1. [​IMG]


  2. Referring to the lines I bold-faced, if you (and MM, I presume) believe that, you need to listen to Limbaugh more. While he maintained a level of support for Bush that confirms he is a solid GOP backer, Rush was highly critical of every program you mentioned.
  3. Oh Im sorry for trying to discuss hypocrisy and spending.

    I should have known, this would be ok for others, should have left it to the privileged.
  4. i maintain that republicans are better and not identical. where an average republican might grow the governent by X percent, the average democrat will grow the government by 1.5X percent or more.

    plus republicans are no doubt better at foreign policy.
  5. women are just too emotional to make good mods.
  6. Why do you feel this way?
  7. wtf? a couple of people said something about smilies and i realized it would be good to have those in a lot of conversations, including the den, so i posted a couple. you can use em too. they are not partisan smilies.
  8. yeah if your goal is for the rest of the world to hate you.
  9. because we have to be aggressive with nations that harbor terrorists. leaders must realize that if they allow terrorist camps and such in their country, that the US might invade and hang them. same thing goes for nations that are aggressive and invade their neighbors, like iraq did you our kuwaiti friends.
  10. I really do have to quit, because I'm taking too much time with this, but I just can't; its so amusing!

    You called me a hypocrite for saying B, H and L saw it coming. I then decided to focus on RL, and have pointed out that he was critical of several Bush programs, while acknowledging that he fundamentally remains a GOP supporter. I've pointed out Bush-era decision I disagreed with as well.

    Near as I can figure, you think I'm a hypocrite because you think I'm a hypocrite. If that makes you feel better about things, well, glad I can help you out.

    Who's tried to stop you from discussing?
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