1. ok.

    yunno i think we all agree that government is too big, and that both parties are to blame. i think those of us here that favored bush liked him for policies other than his big spending. i dont see the point in finding some retroactive hypocrisy or whatever.

    sure, people are more patient with spending from bush, because they like him because he is for the war and various other things they favor, no big deal.
  2. OK, I'll give you a chance to clarify before I stamp a big FAIL on that statement. Please elaborate on the bold-faced line, because I don't know anyone who thought Obama was an R.
  3. I see a point in it. If we are admitting to truths no need to hypocritical about it.
  4. The politicians have us right where they want us. Based on just this small sample. We, the American public, are so at odds with what is happening that we can’t even begin to agree on what should or could be done. Leaving only big brother to be the only possible solution. Although, many if not most, don’t trust what is going on or if the government can actually do what is best for the American public, we are left with not having a choice but to believe/trust that they can come up with the solutions to fix the mess we are in. Being left with the belief that what they are doing is in the best interest of the American public, and that big government, big spending, government control of the private sector is the best solution. Do we, the American public agree with this, no for the most part we don’t, but for now we are left with not much of a choice in the matter. Whether we the American public like it or not, as I said before, until we take control of government we will continue down the road we are on. The worst part is, from my point of view, I don’t think we can take control of our government. It maybe idealistic, but a government by the people and of the people is what we were built on, it unfortunately is not the government we have nor have had for some time. Which is ok to some degree as long as the American public still prospers, a direction that we are not headed in, and probably won’t be for some time. Doom and gloom, maybe, but this is just how I see it.

    AS I went back and read my own statements I realized I was advocating the thought of Big Government. Sad, but I validated my own point.
  5. it flew over your head and thats ok. I never said people thought Obama was a republican. I said they are against his spending because he is a democrat, but they were ok when a republican was running up the charge card.
  6. Mastermind is making a great point. The so called conservatives were not screaming about Bush's stupid spending and massive unfunded entitlements. Medicare Part D? No child left behind? There was little outrage over these from the right. There was not enough outrage from the right over TARP and the other Bush era bailouts.

    The sad thing is most Republicans and Democrats actually see a difference between the parties. There is none. They are, on average, equally terrible. The one that has more power is temporarily worse.
  7. Thank you Shane.

    MM, I "addressed your points" clearly and concisely in the previous post. Choose to read them or not, that's up to you.
  8. [​IMG]
  9. Fair enough....I'm against his spending because he's spending money we don't have. I was against Bush's deficit spending as well.
  10. clearly and concisely, all you did was regurgitate what Beck, Hannity and limbaugh has said, which was my first point that those guys are hypocrites and its horrible that you subscribe to such tripe. You made my point.

    You didnt address their hypocrisy.

    Thats ok you can quit.