1. More bs, if spending is wrong its wrong, right? There is no hyperdrive, thats like being a little pregnant.
  2. More money holmes, barry has spent how much more in 2 years than bush has in 8? Why is it again they won't listen to tort reform? Oh thats right, because all the effing tort lawyers are flaming liberals. James Carville got off one of the best lines in history the other day. He said the dems had a three pronged attack to try and keep the house and senate. Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Even more funny when you realize none of them even believe in God.
  3. Even worse argument and a false at that.
    Tort reform doesn't have anything to do with this. Explain yourself by bringing up tort reform and Im talking about government spending.

    James Carville? we are talking about spending right?

    And you're still defending Bush, I thought your argument was against spending and government expansion.

    Spending is wrong right?
  4. spending is not wrong if it is for a war that is justified, or other legit things like roads or trains or cops or schools. spending is bad if it is for clunkers or bailouts or global warming.
  5. (sigh)... OK, let me spell a few things out. First of all, I don't faithfully(my word) listen to any commentators; I don't have the time. But I've heard enough of all three to know where they stand, and I do make an effort to listen to Limbaugh when possible. So, to make a few points.....

    --Limbaugh, while not necessarily condemning the concept of the Department of Homeland Security, has rarely had anything good to say about its operations, other than stating the blanket truth that since HS has been enacted, there has not been a terrorist attack on American soil. How much of that has been due to DHS' efforts is a matter for debate.

    --Limbaugh never had anything good to say about NCLB, nor did he support TARP or any other bailout effort, either enacted by Bush or Obama.

    --Obama spoke often during the campaign about setting a timeline for getting out of Iraq and taking the fight to Pakistan. Limbaugh said he wouldn't follow through, and to this date, he's been right.

    --Obama spoke often during the campaign about closing Gitmo. Limbaugh called it campaign rhetoric that would not happen, and to this date, he's been right.

    --Limbaugh correctly predicted that Obama and the Dem leadership would ram Healthcare through, despite the constant polls that indicated a solid majority of Americans didn't like the plan.

    This has hardly been a "come to Jesus" moment for Limbaugh. He was highly critical of the Republican party for much of the second Bush term, because he feels they have moved away from basic Reagan conservatism. Ditto :hihi:for Hannity. I don't listen to GB very often, but I've heard more truth than wacko-type theory from him. Doesn't mean I haven't heard any wacko from him, but it means he's not the raving buffoon the left would have you believe. Sometimes....yeah, he can be "out there."

    Bottom line, the polls that are the topic of this thread indicate America is coming around to realize it was sold a bill of goods with Obama. Rush and Hannity warned us we were being sold a bill of goods, and they were right. Simple statement of fact.
  6. I said that in my earlier post that spending is good when its for infrastructure.
  7. I'm NOT defending bush, you are still blaming him. It is time to move on and leave both of this ragamuffins in the past. I can admit that W was terrible, why can't you do the same about barry?
  8. They were right in your opinion, which is hypocritical thats my point, you bought those 3 guys up and its fair play now.
    Whats a solid majority to you? 51%

    And i'll wait for you to address the points in my post.
  9. Where is that bang your head against the wall icon.
  10. What Im I not admitting, I said what I disagreed with on Obama, I said that the Stimulus has gone wrong and that his bailouts where terrible and unnecessary. Did you skip over that just to make a horrible non-point because you're actually defending Bush, when you said folks are now waking up, which is a terrible statement and spending is now in hyperdrive?