So lets spell this out, your agreement or defense of Limbaugh, Hannity, and Beck and how hypocritical this statement of yours is. This is going to be a long post.
So those 3, who have all of a sudden developed this free market, religious moral high ground, conservative fired filled rhetoric against spending and Obama's policies. However, none of this explosiveness was heard during the Bush years.
So lets start with the expansion of government, if we are to agree that this is terrible. Lets look at Homeland Security, Medicare Prescription Plan, No Child Left Behind, 2 Wars being fought, 1 definitely in the wrong place imo, TARP and FED bailouts. Then came the recession, which was partly created by both Democrat and Republican policies.
Where was the fire and brimstone when these major expansion of government was enacted from Limbaugh, Hannity, and Beck?
Now we have Obama, which was made possible mainly by GWB. He extended the TARP and other bailouts, which is terrible because of the recession, these programs were not necessary in my opinion. However, during a recession, I believe some spending is necessary, so like I said the before the Stimulus was good in theory but the execution has been poor. The theory was to shift money toward infrastructure projects and shore up unemployed benefits. However, it hasn't exactly happen this way so in reality its money wasted until someone can get it correct. From what I know he hasnt created anymore entitlement programs or expanded them, I could be wrong here. He actually extended tax credits for small businesses that hires the unemployed.
The other major policy change was Healthcare, which doesn't have a public option so its not government run and it actually creates more competition with the interstate co-op health group clause. The only piss poor in my opinion is that mandate because its essentially a tax, but it did reform Medicare in a sense because a majority of the money is coming from this program to pay for it partly.
Other than those 2 major pieces of legislation, how is he any different from Bush, if all of it is terrible? The rest is social issues, if you want to discuss those we can.
But if the idea is that Hannity, Limbaugh, and Beck are all of a sudden right, thats bullshyt and very sad on your part for invoking those names as some kind of authorities on whats bad and good in government. Thats my point.
If you want to say Obamas policies are raising the deficit fine, we can argue that and we can both agree that a big deficit is terrible. But lets please stop the come to Jesus light bulb phenomenon, that all of sudden these are horrible policies now because you want to listen to Limbaugh and Hannity.
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