What in your opinion was the play of the year by LSU. Good or bad. I'll stay on the positive side and say that Jessie Daniels tackle of Leak to prevent the first down vs UF was the play of the year, for how important it was and for how difficult it was. It enabled us to beat the Gators. Of course the following TD by MR could actually be bigger, the catch by Bowe, the drop by Webster. What do you guys think? I have a feeling I know what 3 plays the Aubie guys on the board will bring up.
ima say the benching of MR after his opening success in the AU game, the blown call by the idiot ref at the end and since you mentioned JD's play above, I'll add Spears play on Spencer against Bama and Cameron Vaughn's scoop and score. of course the CW play vs Bama is an overall obvious choice.
Biggest positive play: the MR TD to win the game versus Florida...I know every last one of you one here was saying to yourself "OMG, he's gonna try to throw it", after LSU had basically rammed it down the Gators throat on the ground that entire drive. It was simply the finest play ever by Marcus Randall. Biggest negative play: 4th and 12 that Auburn completed for a first down. Anybody got it taped needs to watch as the DE mistakenly executes an outside rush, which causes the blitzing back (JDaniels I thnk) to veer around the Tackle and misses hitting the QB by half a step. It woulda been a bee-line to the QB and a sack or hit as he was throwing it causing an incomplete pass (more than likely).
I'm gonna go with the JR 2-point conversion to tie OSU game and send to OT. Can you imagine how the year would've been if we'd have lost that game? That game proved this team had heart, was never out of it (except for the Ga. game) and set the tone for alot of the comebacks we had throughout the year.
Could not agree more... I would toss in the missed XP vs Auburn... think about it, LSU is 2 plays, a 50 yard pass with 3 seconds left against Arky and a 4th and 12 away from being at 4 straight SEC title games, having 2 already won and probably one more. In short, 2 plays made the difference between 4 straight SEC west titles and probably 3 out of 4 straight SEC titles. Damn
The main play I remember from this year was Xavier Carter kneeling on the 1 yard line. It was something so painful to watch and you had to feel bad for him - but you couldn't help but find it a little bit funny. The 2 point conversion with Jamarcus Russell diving into the endzone in his first game as a Tiger - man did he ever have me pumped up to believe he would be great... We shall see.
Don't think the 2002 team would have beaten GA for the SEC CG. We would easily beat Tennessee this year however. They are etrocious.