1. There you go
  2. Thanks. I didn't realize it was only $5 so I signed up for it. At least for a month.
  3. make sure, sometimes they hide the fact that you have to sign up for a year
  4. 2 years ago it was free. I watched the LSU baseball games that weren't otherwise televised
  5. That shit is still free. Mostly.
  6. I took dj +1400 today.
    shane0911 likes this.
  7. Nice move, I didn't see how it ended but he was only a couple back. Going check the board now.
  8. Shit, that negro is tied for the lead!
  9. he was -5 when i posted. now -9. putting like a madman. the chinaman was 400/1 if you could find it. 100 gets you 40k.
  10. I don't think the chinaman is gonna get there. I'd sooner bet money on Tiger