1. Does the Pakistani government have the actual power to control the isi? Is there the political will to bring charges on isi terrorist supporters and will the army take over if the civilian powers even try. These are questions that should be answered to our satisfaction before the next installment of foreign aid is handed over to Pakistan.
  2. No.

    The army always takes over. Time and time again. But the Pak army is secular at least.
  3. hmmmm....

    looks like we may have gotten anothe one? this time a pakistani member of al qaida?

    and given he was (reportedly) killed in a drone attack, once again, i have to use the phrase "oh, the delicious irony".

    Al-Qaida militant said killed by US in Pakistan - Yahoo! News
    1 person likes this.
  4. im shocked. shocked, i tell you....

    Terror leader lives freely near Pakistani capital - Yahoo! News
  5. Terrorist: Can I live in your country? I want to destroy the USA.
    Pakistani Intelligence Officer: Will you be attacking India, too?
    Terrorist: Weeelllll... My resources are a bit limited. I really wanted to bring down just America right now.
    Pakistani Intelligence Officer: Then you may not live here.
    Terrorist: Okay, what if I attack India every-other weekend?
    Pakistani Intelligence Officer: Welcome to Pakistan!
    1 person likes this.
  6. and it continues....

    Pakistan let China see crashed U.S. "stealth" copter - Yahoo! News
  7. The sooner we can get our troop levels in Afghanistan down to levels we can resupply from the air via Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan, the sooner we can cut ties with Pakistan and start treating them like the enemies that they are.
  8. we need to hurry the hell up. they are pretty blatant about what they really think, although they sure as hell are ok with taking our money. which needs to end.
  9. Meh. That thing was loaded down with C4 and lit with thermite grenades. It blew with enough force to throw the tail rotor section over a 12 foot high wall. I doubt that China got anything useful. Sounds like that Pakis made a few quick bucks or brownie points and rubbed our noses in it at the same time.

    I'm sure we'll see a few extra Predator fly-bys in the next few weeks to show our appreciation...
  10. Useful data, yes. Secret breakthroughs, no.

    Pakistan knows that it is going to lose US aid, soon. In fact they have told us hat they don't need it. Why? Because they are developing a relationship with China to get the aid from there. It is bittersweet for them since they are equipped largely with modern American gear that China will be unable to maintain for them. But worse is trading the support of a Superpower for a Superpower Wannabe. Worse yet, the eminent prospect of that Superpower becoming an enemy with an attitude.

    We can park a half dozen aircraft carriers off Pakistan's coast and China can't do a thing about it. We can overfly Pakistan and China can't do a thing about it. And India is eager for us to switch support from Pakistan to India in their conflict. Frankly India offers us much more as an ally than Pakistan. Much, much more. Pakistan only offers the supply roads through the Khyber pass into Afghanistan. That is the only thing the Paks have that we need . . . and we won't need it long.