1. If you type "Lamo" you are definitely a coon ass and I dig it!
    LSUDad and red55 like this.
  2. Thats his next door neighbor
    tigerchick46 likes this.
  3. tiga, can we get you on one of dem dere shows. id watch, then.

    wait, we need a snapping turtle show. you can dramatize it like they do with the gators pretending they attack you with some fancy camera work.
    LSUDad and tigerchick46 like this.
  4. That would be must watch TV.
    LSUDad likes this.
  5. Swamp Ninja
    LSUDad likes this.
  6. Talking with Troy one season, after they had returned to the unloading dock, he was telling me the story of almost losing a camera man.
    The camera man was moving in to get a better camera shot when he fell into the water, Troy was trying to get the Gator in position for a kill, at the same time trying to keep the Gator away from the cameraman in the water close by.
  7. Yeah I'm sure the gator woulda ate him.
    LSUDad likes this.
  8. I'm going to have to start watching to see if I spot you at the unloading dock. Pretty sure I have figured out who you are now.
    LSUDad likes this.
  9. I'm the smart looking one. Did I give myself away?
  10. Ate at Landry's Sunday, still out of Crab, everything else was good to go.

    FYI. The price of Crawfish went down over a $1/lb. in the last week.