1. so, how far off is being #25 from bama's # 30-40??? almost anything is better than #80-110, don't you think? are you just in one of those moods? please, quit negative commenting on such trivial differences of opinion! it makes you look small.
    actually, if i look at it like you're critique of me, what you said is pretty unrealistic...the part about "Mistake free". It should not be "Mistake free", but to keep them to a minimum. Otherwise, you're saying it takes zero turnovers on offense to win the championship.
  2. Why does everyone take offense to everything?????


    I was merely pointing out that this number of "25" means nothing. Its just a number

    On the Mistake Free part, that should be a goal. Like "striving for perfection".. No shit we will make mistakes. I thought this was common knowledge.

    I didn't critique you, but I can. However what is the point in critiquing an opinion?
    Attack Tiger likes this.
  3. EXACTLY. Ray may have had a lack of carries, but he didn't have a lack of touches. B-More also had that big rookie they wanted to get on the field more, so while Ray may have run the ball less, he still caught a lot of passes, and Ray's "lack" of carries was not at the detriment of the Raven running game. Pierce just got a nice share of the load. Cameron's history is that he will run the ball and committ to it.

    I just looked at the stats. I don't think Ray's complaint was just not getting touches. It's an ego thing. I think Ray's complaint was rooted in fear, because the guy who took some of his carries averaged 5 YPC. So he sees a guy on the field who's bigger and faster than him who's getting more YPC, and that made him nervous. An old Ricky Williams was no threat to him. A young Bernard Pierce is. But he's safe...at least until the next contract, lol.
    LSUDad likes this.
  4. Tomlinson was setting records with Cam at the helm.
    LSUDad likes this.
  5. Dude...can I just take a nap until September?
    LSUDad likes this.
  6. An Ronnie Brown. The guy uses everyone in his offense, makes a defense think. Who do you key on, LSU has been a team with certain formations you know who is getting the ball, known fact. Cam's not gonna come in and re-invent the wheel, just put a little air in make the ride smoother. When a coach gets fired from his last job, its kind of like your last game being a loss. You are ready to get back out there on the field, its their nature. He wants to show everyone hes a great coach, he wants people to say, "Tell me why again did the Ravens fire Cam?" Everything I've gotten, hes hit the ground running, has meshed well with the staff and is doing what needs to be do to get this team better.
    Some have ask how he will fit with the staff, can anyone name a more close knit group than coaches? This is what they do, one coach I know is at his 11th. school. You have to be able to fit, its your job. A reporter was asking about Studs being moved back down to OL Coach. A good friend of mine applied for a WR job, the only guy he knew on the staff was the OC, an he helped him land that job. The next year, the OC was gone and my friend is still with that school. Its part of the job. LSU is by far one of the better jobs in the nation, Les is one of the better coaches to work with and they pay as well as any school. Many former LSU coaches have told me that they wold come back to LSU and work with Les, some I know have applied for jobs when an opening has come. LSU has and will always be one of the better stops in the profession.
    I was telling a coach one time they had closed down Jays Donuts in BTR, his daughter overheard and was about to cry.

    More on Cam...

    rockwallfan and Attack Tiger like this.