1. why wont they indeed. and why wont the government admit they did 9/11? and why is it that the government covers up the chinese missile? I AM JUST ASKING QUESTIONS

    nobody raises any interesting questions. they ignore answers and phrase lies in the form of a question. of course he has a birth certificate and not a single thing is odd about it. just procliaming that something is wrong and phrasing it as a question doesnt make it true.

    i have had to adjust the numbers and now i cant vote for sabanfan for prez and now red is only losing the battle vs sabanfan 75% to 25%
  2. red please join me in a moment of silence to acknowledge the slow drift to insanity of our friend sabanfan.
  3. I just turned 62. Age and Obama are driving me over the edge.
  4. The birth certificate has not been produced. I'm thinking Obama is a half white Socialist from Kenya.

    I am not a truther though.
  5. fair enough. but dude, really, the birth cert crap is crap. there is nothing fishy going on. never was. i understand you hate obama, he sucks, but he is an american, and not a muslim kenyan. a terribly liberal big government jerkass. but an american bu birth.

    snopes.com: Barack Obama Birth Certificate
  6. of course it has. why are you saying that?

    i have gone over this so many times. it doesnt make sense to just make stuff up and then pretending to "ask questions". the premise is a lie. its like if i say "why is it that sabanfan is gay?". you put poeple in a position where they are answering a question with a false premise.

    we cant answer why obama wont produce his cert because the premise is untrue and therefore the question is not valid. he has produced it.
  7. Deja vu all over again... Haven't we been here before?

    I know you're talking about them actually trying to pass a gun ban, but to me that's not all there is to it. Just because someone's against gun rights but hasn't tried to pass legislation on it (yet) doesn't mean they wouldn't support it if someone did. They're just waiting for someone else to step up and try first, then they'll just fall in behind them. Incidentally, most of those people that favor gun bans are Democrats. I can't speak for Rwilliams, but that's the problem I have with liberals regarding gun control.

    When someone says "they will try to take our guns", and you pipe up with "name one instance they have tried to ban them", it's just convenient to you for your argument. It doesn't mean the want and the intent isn't there; it most certainly is. I'd rather play it safe and not give them my vote; no need in making it easy for them.

    And finally -

    Senator Feinstein lead the charge with Schumer to re-instate the "assault weapons" ban, and the quote above came from her own mouth in a 60 Minutes interview February 5, 1995.

    In July 2006, Feinstein voted against the Vitter Amendment to prohibit Federal funds being used for the confiscation of lawfully owned firearms during a disaster. - Wikki

    She and lawmakers like her absolutely DO NOT want an armed public and the way they try to make it sound all happy-go-lucky is by saying things like, "The national guard fulfills the militia mentioned in the Second amendment. Citizens no longer need to protect the states or themselves... Some of these people I quoted are still in positions of power, and I doubt seriously their intentions or positions have shifted.

    Tell ya what though, I've got a mean ass rattlesnake over here who's never once bitten a person, ever. Not once. By your logic, he should be ok to hold, play with, etc... right? Hell better yet, Mike VI hasn't ever killed a person and eaten them. So how bout you go smear some bacon grease and blood on your clothes and get in his habitat with him for afternoon play time... Slap him around a bit, he'll love it! If he's never mauled anyone then you'll be fine. I promise! :thumb:
  8. OK, but he still sucks.
  9. possibly the worst president ever, although i definitely encouraged by the fact that he actually isnt nearly as bad with foreign policy as he promised to be. definitely a citizen born in hawaii though. like snopes says, the announcement was even in hawaii papers in 61 or whenever it was.
  10. It may have been a plot hatched at birth.