Obamacare hypocrite

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by Rwilliams, Mar 24, 2011.

  1. mobius481

    mobius481 Registered Member

    I understand as best I can. I would do anything for my kids too. I would imagine you have pretty much pinpointed the reason your insurance is more expensive. But Red is right. Where you couldn't get insurance before for your son, you can get it now. Theoretically anyway. Like you pointed out, you have access to health insurance so you may not qualify. I have no idea. Maybe Red could clear that up for us.

    I have problems with aspects of the healthcare bill but I do agree strongly with the fact that we have to give our kids every opportunity possible and they should all have the ability to get insured and have healthcare. It's the price we have to pay as a society. I don't comment much on the bill that was actually passed into law because I'm man enough to say, i don't know exactly what is in it. But there are some things I'm philosophically opposed to (ie. forcing people to be insured).
  2. mctiger

    mctiger RIP, and thanks for the music Staff Member

    LaSalle, it just bowls me over that in thread after thread after thread, you argue for the right to smoke weed legally, but then you'll argue in favor of a plan to make some people pay for other people's health care. You (the proverbial you, anyone who wants to get high) want to f*** up your head with drugs, fine. But why should I have to pay when you go to the doctor to fix the inevitable consequences of your personal choice?
  3. SabanFan

    SabanFan The voice of reason

    Nobody does.
  4. mobius481

    mobius481 Registered Member

    but they don't all admit it.

    I actually don't know a whole lot about some of the major points other than what you see on CNN. I was just so tired of reading about healthcare bills that when the one we actually adopted came along, I didn't care.
  5. Rwilliams

    Rwilliams Veteran Member

    "As government expands, liberty contracts."
    — Ronald Reagan
    There is a blueprint to fixing every problem we face as Americans. It's the quotes and letters by Ronald Reagan. Liberals need to read then to be taught what it means to be American and how to think like an American. Ronald Reagan should have his face on mount rushmore.
  6. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    No, it's not.

    I wonder why that is? I wonder why you won't talk about it, too. Perhaps because you are full of chit.
  7. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    I guess I don't understand. If he has insurance, what did you want the government to do?

    I have no sympathy for illegal aliens. The Health Law specifically excludes them from participating.
  8. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Actually, I was making a point that the system the Health LAw replaces is more like socialized medicine than the system coming. Private insurers are involved which means competition, which makes them more efficient than government operations.

    It's about both, actually.

    I think the private sector can run the financial side, too. The insurers are private. Instead of the government paying for poor people to go to government hospitals and doctors that they government owns, they will receive subsidized (not always free) insurance that can be used anywhere. This means fewer government sector jobs and more private sector jobs. Isn't that what republicans are supposed to favor?
  9. Rwilliams

    Rwilliams Veteran Member

    We were told by his teacher that because he had a double disability he could get a medical card and ssi to help with his medical expenses which are quite significant. When we tried we got nothing. The lady from Mexico that works with my wife has a kid that was born in Mexico and an American born kid. Both get medical cards. Because one kid was born here the whole family gets the works. Subsidized housing and utilities. Foodstamps and cell phone. Plenty of free be's. You say that illegal 's won't get free healthcare but the kid born in Mexico already gets free medical. This healthcare bill will pay for things like that. Every hood bum that sits on their azz and waits for a check will get free healthcare. Millions of people will get free healthcare and the regular Joe will pay for it. More nanny state. This isn't how the founding fathers meant it to be. We fought for independence from taxes and goverment and now the goverment is just what we fought to get away from. It's so bad the chickenshizts that pushed this on us wants waivers from it. The goverment in NYC tells you how much salt you can use on your food for heavens sake. How much goverment are you willing to take. They tell you how to live your life more and more. They tax you to death and take your money to buy voters.
  10. Rwilliams

    Rwilliams Veteran Member

    We were told by his teacher that because he had a double disability he could get a medical card and ssi to help with his medical expenses which are quite significant. When we tried we got nothing. The lady from Mexico that works with my wife has a kid that was born in Mexico and an American born kid. Both get medical cards. Because one kid was born here the whole family gets the works. Subsidized housing and utilities. Foodstamps and cell phone. Plenty of free be's. You say that illegal 's won't get free healthcare but the kid born in Mexico already gets free medical. This healthcare bill will pay for things like that. Every hood bum that sits on their azz and waits for a check will get free healthcare. Millions of people will get free healthcare and the regular Joe will pay for it. More nanny state. This isn't how the founding fathers meant it to be. We fought for independence from taxes and goverment and now the goverment is just what we fought to get away from. It's so bad the chickenshizts that pushed this on us wants waivers from it. The goverment in NYC tells you how much salt you can use on your food for heavens sake. How much goverment are you willing to take. They tell you how to live your life more and more. They tax you to death and take your money to buy voters.

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