1. Are you upset because he takes you to school too? Sorry that I side with the guy who backs his statements up with fact and logic.
  2. It's totally a government interference issue. The mandatory insurance will get thrown out since it's unconstitutional and despite Obama's best efforts we've managed to stave off the public option, but the bill is still filled with tons of new bureacracy and costs that we have been misled about. You cannot read this bill and determine the unintended consequences. You cannot add 40 million people and save money by utilizing the same Medical system to treat them. Get your head out of your ass and realize that this allegedly affordable health care bill is a travesty in waiting. They are trying to lower healthcare premiums while increasing healthcare costs. It makes no sense.

    It sure sounds good when you libs talk about it though. Fortunately, a large number of Americans are not stupid.
  3. My boy has health INS through my blue cross group policy through my employer. Blue cross didn't turn him down the state and federal goverment did. You know who didn't get turned down. The kids of the illegal alien that works with my wife. One kid was born in Mexico and one was an achor baby that she spit out to live here. They get foodstamps, medical card, help with housing , help with electrical bills and a free freaking cell phone. She will be a citizen in less than three years and on the American tit forever. My American born kid concieved by two Americans gets nothing as a disabled child but this Mexican born squatter and her Mexican born kid along with her anchor baby gets free everything. I can bet you I know which party she will vote for when she gets the proper citizenship papers. To mexicans it's come to America and hit the lottery. To my American boy it was the bird.
  4. See that is garbage. Healthcare shouldn't be a for profit industry. Everyone should receive healthcare.
  5. Who's going to pay for healthcare for everyone? I pay for my kid. My taxes pay for other people's kids. You have half of the population that pay no taxes and the other half pay both their share and the freeloader's share. Now everyone has a right to goverment healthcare, right. Who pays for it? You already have half the people paying no taxes. Most make a profit. Don't say it doesn't happen. My helper gets back every dollar he paid in plus a couple grand this year. Who's gonna pay for it? Evil corporations? That's the guys having to move all the factories overseas because of expenses here are so high. A plant near my house that makes fertilizer just moved everything to Mexico because the EPA has made it impossible to stay here. Hundreds of full time jobs are gone. Hundreds more construction jobs gone. Are these the corporations that are to pay for everyone free health care? Liberals and the policies they push drive away companies and then demonize them. After cutting their throats ,such as no drilling permits, liberals want them to pay for everyone's healthcare. Well not everyone, not my boy but this Mexican woman's Mexican born kid. You say tax the rich. Who's rich? I was too rich to have help for my boy. I'm no millionare. I'm an inspector at a refinery. Give me an example of who is going to pay for everyone to have healthcare.

  6. Yeah, that'll be a nice incentive for someone to put in 12-16 years of medical school.
  7. Blue cross 202.00$ per week for my wife and disabled kid.
  8. I have healthy wife and kid and paid that much on my company plan with my old company. I think you said you are on a group plan right? If so, the high cost has nothing to do with your son on his own but with the group as a whole.
  9. I work at a company that uses radioactive sources to take industrial x-rays of welds. I guess the use of iridium 192 and cobolt 60 everyday causes our insurance to be higher. We also work in refineries and petrochemical plants. I do have good INS though. 20$ copays and it cost 150$ for most test. Problem is it doesn't cover all of the physical therepy for Colby. I don't care what it cost. I will do everything I can to give him a chance to live as normal a life as possible. I have much respect for him. This boy never complains about anything. He is a trooper. I have never met a stronger souled person in my life. He is only six. I wish I could have the positive spirit he has. He lights up a room. He may be disabled but his spirit is not. He is truly a remarkable little boy.
  10. I gather from that statement (in italics) that you feel that private health care facilities do the job better than the ones run by the government. And unless I have nary a clue, Obamacare isn't about making the quality of health care better, its about making it more affordable. So if the private sector does the care portion better than government, why do you imagine government can fix the financial side? When has government done anything better than the private sector?