1. Look it up. You'll learn something.
  2. Why do you keep trying to put words in my mouth? I made a comment to "R" and it is on the record. You have responded. I have responded. Quit trying to change my statement.

    Your indian name is Hair Splitter.

    I would never have dissed their mother, I did not suggest lunacy was involved, and only the reference to light artillery was tongue-in-cheek.

    I try not to. I don't recall anyone ever objecting. It is too easy to misquote someone when paraphrasing. Your sarcastic paraphrase might have worked if you had used a :yelwink2: or a :rolleye33: with it. Of course when you paraphrase one while criticizing him, it begs for challenge. :grin:

    Your new indian name is Wind Breaker.
  3. I'm not, you didn't like the question as it was phrased. You pointed out we were talking Democrat/Republican rather than Liberal/Conservative. I made the correction to the error you so kindly pointed out. You're the one that said you would have agreed with the thought, had I used Democrat/Republican originally. Nothing else here to see, folks.

    Again with the pot/kettle thing, eh?? Work it!

    Where did I say you did? Do you even read my posts? Do you even know what "diss" means, "He who farts dust"? (hint: that was a diss) :yelwink2: <-----

    That entire statement suggested that the NRA's stance was abnormal in your eyes. The "loonies" comment was a tongue-in-cheek statement. See how that works?

    .. he says, 3 months after he posted it. Perhaps if you'd have put a little smiley it would have worked... :wave:

    I wasn't under the impression at the time, that you would play stupid and I would have had to point it out to you. Apparently, I was mistaken.

    Always a pleasure, "Dances with Democrats" ;)