1. Hey you said "They're just waiting for someone else to step up and try first, then they'll just fall in behind them." Sounds like you're making it up to me.

    That's not what "R" was saying. He was saying that all democrats try to ban guns. Which is untrue. That was my only point.

    If you want to make some point about party affiliation and gun control, be my guest. It would be more credible if you used some real numbers.

    Nor should we assume that because something has never happened that it is inevitable! :insane: :insane: :insane:

    No, what I said was that the Democratic party hasn't tried to ban guns and it is false and misleading to state that they have done so.

    We all know that there are anti-gun activists that want to ban guns. What he made up is the untrue "fact" that the Democratic party wants to ban guns. They do not. They are politicians who want to get re-elected. Some big-city, California politicians have a voter base that is pro-gun control, such is life. But most politicians have to be elected in a state in which private ownership of guns is a long-held right. The Democrats do not challenge this.
  2. so true. I am as liberal as they come, the only people I want to keep guns away from are criminals and children.

    I remember when I was a kid vivid memories of my Grandpa teaching me how to shoot a rifle. I cherish those memories. Hunting, is a good way to bring father and son closer together, and can also teach a young man responsibility, and safety.

    There are alot of nutters who believe that all guns should be banned, but that will never happen. And the NRA dude that wouldn't sit down with the President is a f*ck stick for not at least discussing issues with him. Oh you talked to the socialist commie muslim President, you backed down. What a crock.

    *disclaimer* I was agreeing with Swerved not the other way around so don't take it out on him. He is not affiliating with a socialist. ;)
  3. Again, what I said was based on their own words, not fictional ones. Nothing made up here. It's just like you believe Obama when he says, "I'm not going to take away your guns", or "I'm not a Socialist". I believe him when he says, ".. I think when you spread the wealth around, it’s good for everybody."... What's the problem? We're both taking him for his word, aren't we?

    I agree that not ALL Democrats want to take away guns.

    Credible to whom? I wouldn't think I'd need to waste your time to spell out the obvious, but do you really doubt that there are more liberals that favor strict gun control as opposed to conservatives? C'mon, Red... If you can't see that, nothing I ever show you will convince you. You'll likely just claim I made it up. :thumb:

    I know, I know. I remember when people said there would never be government run health care because the democrats would never all get behind it and (bribe enough people to) pass it. :insane::insane::insane:

    In Chicago, you couldn't get a handgun unless you registered it with the local police department. Only, until June 2010, Chicago did not allow the registration of hand guns. In a round about way, this made it illegal to possess them unless you had registered them prior to 1982. so for almost 30 years, handguns were effectively illegal in Chicago. Who do you think advocated and pushed those bans... Conservatives? Nope. In fact, the mayor at the time, Jane Byrne (D), called it a first step of a national campaign for stricter gun control.

    Whether it's a coordinated effort of the party or not, when you take an action or speak to the public and you're a member of a group, what you say or do will reflect on that whole group, like it or not. It's just a fact of life.

    Sure, this doesn't represent the whole democratic party, but if it's not false and misleading when you and LaSalle lump all Republicans or conservatives in one evil money-loving pile, then why is it wrong for "R" to do the same. You both look pretty silly to me when you do that.

    Right, and if enough anti-gun voters put these people in office, these kinds of laws can get passed. See the Chicago example above. I'm all for making that as difficult as can be for them. Again, it's none of their business.
  4. The disclaimer wasn't necessary, but I appreciate the thought.. Actually that was Red's statement though, so nobody will come down on me. That reminds me, I need to go fix that quote.. lol
  5. I know not every single democrat is as anti gun as the ones that want a complete ban. It is true that most of the local laws that regulate guns are pushed by democrats. I know plenty of good ole country boys that work for the boilermakers union that hunt and own guns but still vote democrat
  6. I am not so stupid to thing that there should be no regulation of firearms. You don't want someone that is mental to be able to buy a machinegun. I don't understand how people can't see that a criminal is going to commit a crime if he wants to. I am a hunter. I fear a law like in the uk will be passed here and firearms that have been in my family for 80 years will be taken by the state. I voted for Clinton on his second term. He then started with the gun control thing. I learned a valuable lesson.
  7. Wait a minute, we were talking about the Democratic party, now you are talking about "liberals". There are not one and the same. Clearly many liberals support gun control, this does not constitute "Democrats want to ban guns". As a point of fact the NRA refuses to give out their political demographics, so ultimately the answer to this question is unknown.

    The American Economic Review did a study on gun-onwership demographics and discovered that:

    Personal gun ownership = conservatives 27%, moderates 24%, liberals 18%

    So does Timothy McVeigh and Eric Rudolph reflect on all conservatives? We must fear that you are all anarchist terrorists in waiting? Give me a break.

    I didn't say he was wrong for lumping conservatives and liberals. I said that his statement was false. He's just not very careful about what he says, but he's learning. :grin:
  8. That has never been proposed here and is unlikely to. This is not Britain. It is an unreasonable fear.

    Even Britain allows ownership of hunting rifles and shotguns, only pistols are completely banned. There are special permits for heirlooms and gun collectors.
  9. Ok fine, use the word you want to use. Do you really think there are more Republicans than Democrats that favor strict gun control laws, or even a ban? Is that what you're saying?

    Ok, clearly many conservatives support cutting entitlement programs, this does not constitute "Republicans don't care about poor people"

    Oh so now, suddenly what the NRA says or refuses to say is pertinent now that it's convenient for your argument. Otherwise, they're a bunch of gun-crazed loonies that want everyone and their mother to own a grenade launcher. Ok, I get it.

    As a side note, I can't say I blame them. It's nobody's business but theirs.

    Well, according to many of your fellow liberals (we are talking lib/conservatives this time, right?) it does. Tell me you didn't see any of this going on when the Arizona shooting happened... Even after it was established that this guy was nothing more than a kook.

    It's not hard to find the proof, look at all of the negative opinions and write-ups about how evil, callas, and crooked conservatives are. If they disagree with the President, they're racist. If they want less government in their lives, they're anarchists. If they are pro-gun rights, they are "clinging to their guns". If they even mention faith, they're "clinging to their religion". If they want less taxation, they're "kissing the asses of the rich".. And those are just a few examples. The media perpetuates this.

    Right.. If "Democrats want to ban guns" is inaccurate, then so is "Republicans kiss the asses of the rich".