1. The [ame="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Socialist_Party_of_America"]The Socialist Party of America[/ame] has not existed since for over 30 years!!! Does this not call the credibility of your author into question, just a weeeeee bit!

    Not because that kook says so. In fact they do not. I can prove it.

    So you admit that they do not agree on every issue in the very next statement!

    They also both agree that children are cute, we should all buckle up, and apple pie tastes good, too. This is proof of nothing.

    Pure rhetoric. Ok, cite a Pelosi speech where she mimics the "official stance of the Socialist Party.

    I think its because they actually understand the definition of socialism and you apparently do not. I encourage you to look it up in the dictionary and the encyclopedia. It does not mean that everybody to the left of you politically is a socialist.

    Only the blind, the ignorant, and the ideologically inflexible.

    From Dictionary.com:

    so·cial·ism    –noun
    1. a theory or system of social organization that advocates the vesting of the ownership and control of the means of production and distribution, of capital, land, etc., in the community as a whole.
    2. procedure or practice in accordance with this theory.
    3. (in Marxist theory) the stage following capitalism in the transition of a society to communism, characterized by the imperfect implementation of collectivist principles.

    From: WordNet

    Socialism -noun

    1. socialism (a political theory advocating state ownership of industry)
    2. socialism, socialist economy (an economic system based on state ownership of capital)

    From Wikipedia:

    Socialism is an economic and political theory advocating public or common ownership and cooperative management of the means of production and allocation of resources.​

    Now you show me anywhere where Nancy Pelosi or anything on the Official Democratic Party site that says anything about advocating the collective ownership of money and property, state ownership of industry, or collectivism.

    You can't.
  2. The State of Hawaii is the only legitimate source. Donald Trump is a ignoramus with a lot of ignorant followers.

    It is a legal birth certificate from Hawaii. Absolutely legal and certified by all who have investigated it. Check Snopes.

    If you have a case, then make it and I will shred it for you. Be sure to account for the birth notices published in the Hawaiian papers the very next day.

    Birthers are nutjobs by definition. I'm so glad you have assumed this mantle openly.
  3. driving?

    i'm pretty sure you've gone over. thelma and louise style.:bncry:
  4. When the goverment tries to regulate every aspect of American life either through legislation or the courts, that is not control by the goverment. When does it turn into goverment control from regulation. There is a push to bypass congress and allow the EPA to regulate carbon dioxide. That would put the EPA in control of many buisness. The EPA could decide a plant produces too much co2 and cause that plant to close. The new healthcare bill decides how much money a service is worth. Isn't that control. The govement regulates everthing. I do concede that there has to be protections for the public. The question is when does it start to become control? It is common sense that once goverment establishes control over something it is nearly impossible to get that control back. For you beer drinkers, the goverment even mandates how much alcohol is in your beer. Example: Mississippi beer has a lower alcohol content than Louisiana bought beer. Now there is a push for the FDA to promote nicotine as a drug to be regulated thus leading to a ban on tobaco products. When does the goverment regulate so much of our life that it does have control of business and production of products? To a democrat no amount of regulation is too much. Just imagine what our free market capitalist market system would look like if the republicans were not there to try and constrict the intrusion of democrats?
  5. A+:thumb:
  6. Just having some fun. You know how I can be.
  7. NOR does it mean they would! "R" made the statement that the "democrats" want to ban guns. It's a false statement and you can't support it either. The Democratic party has not advocated this. Many democrats are in the NRA and own guns. It's not in the party platform, check it out on the web.

    This is the problem with the NRA. They think that ANY gun regulation at all constitutes "trying to take our guns away", which is bullchit. The democrats don't advocate that. Not all democrats are Kennedy liberals and anti-gun.

    See, you are making things up as you speak.

    Who says?

    :insane: It's either true or false and I give them the opportunity to prove their case.

    You understand nothing about my logic.
  8. That is paranoia.

    Give me a break. The EPA was established by Congress with the authority to regulate environmental hazards. The Congress is not being bypassed in any fashion.

    Before the Health Care Law, a profit-making insurance company decided how much a service was worth. And that service went up every year at 3 time the rate of salaries. Isn't that control? I'd prefer the transparent non-profit government body that I can control with my votes.

    Paranoid delusion, amigo.

    It would look remarkable the same. Democrats do not advocate against capitalism and a free economy. It is just more made up BS. I've already asked you to provide examples of these accusations and you never do.
  9. Show me where I said "Democrats will ban your guns".. You wanna talk about bullch!t but you don't actually pay attention to what people post. You're making up what you think I said. I never said they all were against gun rights, nor did I say they absolutely would ban guns. What I said was there are people who would support a ban, and I provided examples which you conveniently looked over, apparently. Coincidentally, those people I listed are Democrats.

    And once again, I don't give a rats ass about the NRA; I'm not a member, nor do I keep up with them.

    Wow... I'm shocked. Nice response.

    Just because someone forms an opinion that differs from yours doesn't mean I'm just making stuff up, Red.

    What part of "If I could have gotten 51 votes in the Senate of the United States for an outright ban, picking up every one of them: "Mr. and Mrs. America, turn 'em all in," I would have done it.”, don't you understand?

    Clinton, Biden, Feinstein, Clay, and Chaffe just to name a few.

    Certainly I'm not saying that there aren't any Republicans that would do the same, because I'm pretty sure there are idiots on both sides of the fence. I'm just saying, conservatives aren't generally known for their staunch gun-control support. If you can definitively prove that the majority of the pro-gun-control crowd aren't democrats, I'll give you that... -or-... I'll just claim you made it up. ;)

    Just because something has never happened doesn't mean we should assume it never could. But go ahead and make your little insane face smiley if it makes you feel better. To each their own.

    Seems pretty straight forward to me. According to what you've been saying, The Democratic party hasn't tried to ban guns as a party so it can never happen. While I agree that they've never collectively tried, there are those that have openly stated their opposition to citizens being armed, as well as the fact that if given the opportunity to ban handguns, they would. Contrary to what you may believe, I'm not making this up.

    I say they should mind their own damn business and not worry so much about mine. I don't care if they've got R's, D's, or I's behind their names.