1. But they haven't done that and have no plans to! They simply refuse to insure.
  2. this is pretty different to the issue of republic vs democracy. i dont think the country should have a referendum on every issue. it would be a total and immediate trainwreck.

    believe it or not, i am not a dem and i didnt vote for gore.
  3. No. Are you saying that?

    I'm saying that every citizen of the USA must share responsibility for health care to work and not be permitted to con the system for his personal advantage. Just as we must all pay taxes, we all participate in Social Security, we all must buy liability insurance for our vehicles, and we all are subject to the draft.
  4. assuming that is true, why does that give you the right to take from taxpayers to insure folks? presumably those taxpayers could use their own money to buy the health care they need.

    seems like prudent and pragmatic people save their whole lives for old age when their expenses will go up. i thought you were in favor of pragmatic behavior?
  5. you are about to contradict yourself.

    100% opposite of what you just said.
    1 person likes this.
  6. I'm not taking anything, don't be absurd. We The People are acting collectively. The government isn't them, it is us.

    I am and I agree. But Prudence also requires insurance to prevent a medical emergency from destroying your retirement nest egg.

    There is an important distinction and it flew right past you.

    "We have met the enemy and he is us" -- Pogo
  7. Why must we all share responsibility for Healthcare? That is a load of crap. Much like it takes a village... How about personal responsibility?

    wait what? Unless you are on some setup that i have not seen, you (me too) work for LSU, we don't put into SSI.
  8. We DON'T all participate in Social security.
    Government workers and politicians don't just like they won't get stuck on our crummy health plan if this crappy bill passes.
    They are the kings and we are the peasants.
  9. Social security? Not if you don't work and it won't be around much longer anyway. Washington spent all the $ already. I'm sure the have no such designs on the taxes they will have to impose to (under)fund this new entitlement also. Best intentions and all....

    You dont need car insurance if you don't own a car. Ask Martin.

    And there is no draft.
  10. That is a good point, the idiot politicians have not only broke the country but they have stolen the money from the SS account.
    There is no money and now people want us to believe that government and Obama, Dems can run a new health system, collecting taxes for four years along with the disaster of Medicare and Medicaid?

    Just where do you think these taxes collected will be in four years anyway?
    Everyone should be against this when you look at the government failures of the past!